Public Participation
As a California state agency led by an appointed council, public participation is fundamental to the Delta Stewardship Council’s work toward the coequal goals of ensuring a reliable California water supply and resilient Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ecosystem, achieved in a manner that protects and enhances the unique cultural, recreational, natural resource, and agricultural values of the Delta as an evolving place. This web page serves as a “one-stop shop” for those seeking information on how to engage with the Council through its recent and upcoming opportunities for public engagement. Please contact the Council’s Office of Public Participation at or (916) 445-5511 with any questions on the information below.
Public Participation Plan
Endorsed by the Council in June 2020, its Public Participation Plan serves as a guide for how any stakeholder or member of the public, regardless of background, location, ability, or status, can pursue opportunities to inform Council decision-making. The Council recognizes that the possible effective mechanisms for public participation are not “one size fits all” and may vary depending on the particular issue. This plan will be reviewed and revised periodically to ensure it reflects current best practices.
Tribal Consultation Policy
In 2015, the Council adopted a Tribal Consultation Policy that aims to engage in the timely and active process of seeking, discussing, and incorporating the views of California Native American tribes and tribal communities into its decision-making. The Council’s Tribal Consultation Policy can also be found in the Public Participation Plan as Appendix B.
Recent and Upcoming Public Meetings
Expand the individual event accordions below to view corresponding meeting details and materials.
- Revised Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Comments on the Delta Plan Five-Year Review, 2024, with Performance Measure Report Cards
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report from the Council’s May Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report from the Council’s June Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Science Program Independent Science Peer Review
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Food-web Review Public Comments
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Daft Subsidence Review
- General Public Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Binder Memo
- Agenda Item 4 - Consent Calendar
- Agenda Item 6 - Executive Officer’s Report
- Outreach Highlights Report
- Active Projects List
- Comments on Notice of Preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Georgiana Slough Erosion Control and Habitat Enhancement Project, SCH# 2024-061227
- Quarterly Contract Report
- Declaration of Jeff Henderson in Support of California Department of Water Resources’ Ex Parte Application to Modify or Stay Preliminary Injunction
- Legal Update
- Legislative Update
- Executive Fellow Farewell
- Agenda Item 7 - Lead Scientist’s Report
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Report - Delta Drought Response Pilot Program - Water Year 2023
- Agenda Item 4: Outreach Highlights Report from Council’s July Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Legislative Update from Council’s July Meeting
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Food-web Review Public Comments
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 7/2/24)
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 8/9/24)
- Agenda Item 8: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Meeting Notice
- Revised Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Binder Memo
- Agenda Item 4 - Consideration and Possible Adoption of Regulations Relating to the Delta Ecosystem Restoration Management (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5001 et seq.)(Resolution 2024-06)
- Attachment 1 - Final Statement of Reasons
- For more information please visit
- Attachment 1 - Final Statement of Reasons
- Agenda Item 4 - Resolution of the Delta Stewardship Council to Adopt Regulations Relating to the Delta Ecosystem Restoration Management (CAL. CODE REGS., TIT. 23, § 5001 ET SEQ.)
Resolution 2024-06 - Agenda Item 5 - Consent Calendar
- Agenda Item 7 - Executive Officer’s Report
- Outreach Highlights Report
- Active Projects List
- Best Practices for Vegetation Management on Levees – Draft for Public Review and Comment (Spring 2024)
- Legal Update
- Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 8 - Lead Scientist’s Report
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Chair-elect News Release
- Agenda Item 2: Council Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Issue Paper
- Agenda Item 3: IEP Food-webs Synthesis Proposal
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 4: Revised Food-webs Review (dated 9/3/24)
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB Food-web Review Public Comments
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 7/2/24)
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 8/9/24)
- Agenda Item 7: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 7: Operations Plan for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Draft Review of the Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project
- General Public Correspondence:
- Comments on Bureau of Reclamation DEIS (EIS No. 20240131) on Long-Term Operations of the CVP and SWP from Sierra Club and Other Public Interest Organizations (received 9/6/24)
- Comments on Bureau of Reclamation DEIS (EIS No. 20240131) on Long-Term Operations of the CVP and SWP from Planning Conservation League and Other Public Interest Organizations (received 9/9/24)
- Expert elicitation workshop on dimensions of uncertainty in CalSim3 from Dr. Laurel Larsen (received 9/10/24)
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 3: IEP Food-webs Synthesis Proposal by Dr. Rosemary Hartman
- Available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 3: IEP Food-webs Synthesis Proposal by Dr. Rosemary Hartman
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Binder Memo
- Agenda Item 4 - Tribal and Environmental Justice Issue Paper Public Review Draft Release
- Attachment 1 - Tribal and Environmental Justice Issues in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: History and Current Perspectives
- Attachment 2 - General Information Sheet
- Attachment 3 - Recommendations Information Sheet
- Attachment 4 - Issues Information Sheet
- Attachment 5 - Summary of interview results
- Tribal and Environmental Justice Issue Paper Presentation
- Agenda Item 5 - Consideration and Possible Adoption of the Delta Plan Five-Year Review Report (Resolution 2024-08)
- Agenda Item 6 - Consent Calendar
- Agenda Item 8 - Executive Officer’s Report
- Outreach Highlights Report
- Active Projects List
- Comments on Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Tide's End Multibenefit Restoration Project, SCH# 2024070944
- Legal Update
- Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 9 - Lead Scientist’s Report
- Agenda Item 10 - Delta Watermaster Update
- Agenda Item 11 - California Department of Water Resources Delta Conveyance Update
- Day 1 Meeting Notice (Tour)
- Day 2 Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB’s Final Memo on the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 2: Press Release for New Chair
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Climate Science Research Symposium Prospectus
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Plan Five-Year Review 2024
- Agenda Item 3: Appendix to the Delta Plan Five-Year Review 2024
- Agenda Item 5: Council Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Paper
A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
Current Opportunities to Comment
The 60-day comment period for the public review draft of the issue paper opened on September 3, 2024. Comments emailed to or mailed to the following address by November 4, 2024, at 5:00 PM, will be considered for the final issue paper.
Delta Stewardship Council
ATTN: Amanda Bohl
715 P Street, 15-300
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tribal consultation requests were sent via U.S. mail and email to tribes. If a tribe is interested in initiating consultation with the Council on the draft issue paper, they are encouraged to email our tribal liaison at for more information.
Share General Feedback
General public comments can be sent to the Council via:
- Email:
- Phone:
- (916) 445-5511
- Mail:
- Delta Stewardship Council
c/o Office of Public Participation
715 P Street, 15-300
Sacramento, CA 95814
- Delta Stewardship Council
Once received, the Office of Public Participation will forward the comment to the appropriate Council staff. To request access to copies of past comments, please email
We’re a Partner - Engage With Us Online!
Connect with the Council on:
- Twitter - @DeltaCouncil
- Instagram - @deltastewardshipcouncil
- Facebook - Delta Stewardship Council
- LinkedIn - Delta Stewardship Council