California Governor Gavin Newsom

Gavin Newsom

California Governor

California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis

Eleni Kounalakis

California Lieutenant Governor

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Latest News

  • Notice of December 3-4 Delta ISB Tour & Meeting

    On December 3, 2024, at 12:00 PM, the Delta ISB will meet at the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy’s office (1450 Halyard Drive, Suite 6, West Sacramento, CA 95691) to learn about the Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration and Flood Improvement Project with Charlotte Biggs (California Department of Water Resources) and other representatives. A tour of the project site will follow. To help with planning, please email by December 2, 2024, at 12:00 PM if you plan to attend the tour.

  • Now Available: Final Grand Challenges Essay

    The Delta Science Program is preparing to develop the third iteration of the Delta Science Plan. The 2025 Delta Science Plan will identify strategies, tools, and actions to address “grand challenges” to science in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The grand challenges were identified through a literature review and through community feedback during a comment period.

  • Now Available: Delta ISB Seminar Synthesis Report - "Understanding Decision-Making Under Deep Uncertainty"

    To build an understanding of scientific tools and concepts that can increase the capacity to anticipate and adapt to the growing uncertainty of future conditions in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the Delta Independent Science Board began a review of decision-making under deep uncertainty in the spring of 2023. The review explores the techniques that could be applied to the Delta to better characterize and prepare for uncertainty and improve the decision-making processes.


California State Capitol building

The Coequal Goals

The Delta Stewardship Council was created in legislation to achieve the state mandated coequal goals for the Delta. "'Coequal goals' means the two goals of providing a more reliable water supply for California and protecting, restoring, and enhancing the Delta ecosystem. The coequal goals shall be achieved in a manner that protects and enhances the unique cultural, recreational, natural resource, and agricultural values of the Delta as an evolving place." (CA Water Code Section 85054)

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