What is Environmental Justice?
The principles of environmental justice call for the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, culture, national origin, or income, in the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Environmental justice also necessitates dedicated outreach and transparent opportunities for all community members to represent their concerns in the decision-making process.

Environmental Justice at the Council
The Delta Stewardship Council has worked to incorporate environmental justice into several recent and ongoing initiatives, described below. These initiatives also identify the next steps to address environmental justice in our future work.
Tribal and Environmental Justice Issue Paper
Our 2019 Five-Year Review Report identified environmental justice (EJ) as a priority issue and recommended that we prepare an issue paper to investigate the need for additional strategies or responses to address EJ within the Delta Plan, summarize the best available science, and identify future policy options for the Council to consider. We initiated the preparation of the issue paper in February 2021 and released a draft issue paper for public comment in September 2024. Comment and tribal consultation processes have now closed as we consider and integrate public comments for the final version.

After staff began this initiative in 2021, we identified a need to delineate between EJ as a whole and EJ issues related to tribes and tribal communities (referred to as tribal justice in this issue paper). This stems from the understanding, echoed at the tribal listening session held by the Council in April 2023, that tribes have disparate impacts, concerns, and relationships related to historical wrongs committed against them, are in unique positions as sovereign governments, and at times are EJ communities.
Public input on the issue paper is essential. The draft issue paper draws upon a wide variety of sources, including past public comments submitted to the Council, interviews with EJ and tribal-serving organizations, tribal pre-consultations, scholarly literature, discussions with the EJ Expert Group established by Council staff to inform this issue paper, and input gathered at community events. 22 interviews with representatives of environmental justice organizations in the Delta were integral to the development of the issue paper. Council staff has compiled a summary report that includes detailed information about the interview methods and approach and issue-specific results. Council staff conducted additional public outreach during the draft issue paper public review period, input from which will inform the final issue paper.
Once the issue paper is complete, options will be presented for Council consideration. Council members will decide which options to pursue and direct staff on the next steps.
The Council’s Tribal Consultation Policy is a separate and distinct process.
Please direct questions regarding this initiative to environmentaljustice@deltacouncil.ca.gov.
Lea el resumen ejecutivo en español aquí.
Three information sheets are also available in English and Spanish:
- General information sheet - English
- Issues information sheet - English
- Recommendations information sheet - English
Additional Initiatives

Delta Adapts is a comprehensive, regional approach to climate resilience that cuts across regional boundaries and commits to collaboration across state, local, and regional levels. We have made a commitment to incorporate equity into Delta Adapts by identifying the communities and populations in the Delta that are most vulnerable to climate hazards, and engaging with grassroots organizations in those communities to ground-truth the technical analyses and contribute directly to the development of adaptation strategies.
An Equity Technical Memo and Outreach and Engagement Summary document our approach to embed equity in our regional Vulnerability Assessment. The Vulnerability Assessment identifies communities and populations in the Delta that will face disproportionate economic and public health impacts in the future, without adaptation measures. These communities can be further explored using the Delta Social Vulnerability Index map.

Our 2019 Five-Year Review Report identified Environmental Justice as a priority issue.
As a component of the Five-Year Review of the Delta Plan, we requested an external evaluation of the Delta Plan and Delta Plan implementation efforts. The evaluation identified existing Delta Plan recommendations that benefit disadvantaged communities and help ensure the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water. However, the evaluation also called for us to investigate the need for additional strategies or responses to address environmental justice within the Delta Plan. The Five-Year Review recommended that we prepare an issue paper to address this need.
To obtain a broad range of input on the Five-Year Review, we enlisted a third-party consultant to conduct a survey and to interview Delta stakeholders. The overwhelming majority of respondents self-identified their Delta roles and interactions as being associated with residency, recreational use, and/or business relationships. The Five-Year Review Stakeholder Assessment Report noted stakeholder requests for broader intention in including Delta interests in outreach processes, advisory bodies, or other input opportunities. This feedback informed development of the Public Participation Plan endorsed by the Council in 2020.

We recognize that an essential component of environmental justice is including impacted communities in our scientific, planning, and decision-making processes. Information and opportunities to provide input and represent concerns must be accessible and transparent, particularly for communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change and pollution. We recognize that the possible effective mechanisms for public participation are not “one size fits all” and may vary depending on the issue.
Endorsed by the Council in June 2020, the Public Participation Plan serves as a guide for how any stakeholder or member of the public, regardless of background, location, ability, or status, can pursue opportunities to inform our decision-making. The Plan includes specific recommendations and commitments related to environmental justice and may be updated following completion of the environmental justice issue paper.
For more information on recent and current opportunities to participate in Council matters, visit our Public Participation web page.

The Delta Science Program provides funding for scientific research critical to establishing knowledge relevant to Delta management. Priority topic areas for all funded research are identified in the Science Action Agenda, which is collaboratively produced by Delta stakeholders, managers, and scientists and regularly updated by the Delta Science Program. The current 2021 Delta Science Proposal Solicitation requires research proposals to evaluate whether the project will benefit vulnerable communities as identified by the Delta Social Vulnerability Index. By encouraging the Delta science community to develop research projects with Delta communities in mind, the Science Program strives to ensure that the distribution of research funding reflects the needs of impacted communities.
Helpful Resources
- CalEnviroScreen - Pollution Vulnerability Interactive Map
- California EPA Environmental Justice Page
- California Department of Justice Environmental Justice Page
- Federal EPA Environmental Justice Page
- CNRA Equity and Environmental Justice Page
Contact Us
To learn more about our commitment to environmental justice or other ways to engage in our process, please email environmentaljustice@deltacouncil.ca.gov. To contact our tribal liaison, please email tribal.liaison@deltacouncil.ca.gov.