Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee Meetings
This group of high-level agency leaders meets at least twice a year. DPIIC meetings serve as a forum to consider and orchestrate the timely and orderly implementation of actions consistent with the policies and recommendations in the Delta Plan and with the annual priorities set by the Council.
DPIIC meetings are available for live and archived viewing via webcast on Cal-Span (prior to October 2024) and AdminMonitor (starting October 2024).
To access meeting notices and materials older than July 2019, please contact
- A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
- Information will be posted when available.
- A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
- Meeting Notice
- Revised Meeting Notice
- Additional meeting materials available upon request.
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Materials:
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Materials:
- Meeting Agenda
- Agenda Item 1 - Welcome and Introductions
- Report Out: Science Needs Assessment
- Meeting Agenda
- Revised Meeting Agenda
- Video
- Critical Needs for Control of Invasive Aquatic Vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Meeting Materials
- Agenda Item 3 - Ecosystem-based Management and the Delta Plan
- Agenda Item 4 - Critical Needs for Aquatic Weed Control
- Agenda Item 5 - Social Science Task Force
- Meeting Summary
- Revised Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 1 - Welcome and Introductions
- Agenda Item 2 - Ecosystem-based Management
- Agenda Item 3 - Actions to Achieve Ongoing, Consistent and Reliable Science Funding
- Workshop and Virtual Discussion Series Flyer
- Briefing Paper for the 2020 Science Needs Assessment Workshop
- Science Needs Assessment Pre-Workshop Discussion Part 3 Recording
- Science Needs Assessment Pre-Workshop Discussion Part 3 Presentation
- Science Needs Assessment Pre-Workshop Discussion Part 3 Summary