Delta Independent Science Board Correspondence

If you would like to comment on any draft Delta Independent Science Board (Delta ISB) product or provide information that could help inform the Delta ISB’s activities, you are welcome to attend a Delta ISB meeting. Additionally, written correspondence to the Delta ISB are accepted via e-mail ( All written correspondence received since July 2019 are listed below. For correspondence received prior to July 2019, please e-mail

January 2025

The Delta ISB received the following general correspondence for its January 29, 2025 meeting.

December 2024

The Delta ISB received the following correspondence for its December 3-4, 2024, meeting:

November 2024

The Delta ISB received the following correspondence on its draft emerging climate research symposium:

July 2024

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for its July 11, 2024, meeting:

June 2024

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for its June 21, 2024, meeting:

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence on its draft review, Exploring scientific and management implications of upper trophic level food webs in the Delta

May 2024

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for its May 22, 2024, meeting:

April 2024

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for its April 22, 2024, meeting:

March 2024

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for its March 22, 2024, meeting:

October 2023

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for its October 19-20 meeting:

July 2023

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for it July 14, 2023 meeting:

June 2023

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for its June 14-15 2023, meeting:

May 2023

The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its subsidence reversal review.

The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its food-webs review.

The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its decision-making under deep uncertainty review.

The Delta ISB received the following general public correspondence for it May 17, 2023, meeting:

April 2023

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its April 26 meeting:

March 2023

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its March 3 meeting:

February 2023

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its February 15, 2023 meeting.

January 2023

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its January 19, 2023, meeting.

September 2022

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its September 15, 2022 meeting.

August 2022

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its August 11-12, 2022 meeting.

July 2022

May 2022

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its June 8 to 9, 2022 meeting.

April 2022

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its April 8, 2022, meeting:

March 2022

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its March 9-10, 2022, meeting:

February 2022

The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence for its February 11, 2022 meeting:

December 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s December 2021 meeting, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence:

November 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s November 15-16 meeting, the Delta ISB received the following correspondence:

In addition, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on its monitoring enterprise review (dated 10/12/2021):

October 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s October 19, 2021 meeting, the Delta ISB received the following correspondence:

In addition, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on its water supply reliability review (dated 9/1/2021):

September 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s September 16, 2021, meeting, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence:

August 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s August 20, 2021 meeting, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence:

July 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s July 13, 2021 meeting, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence:

June 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s June 17, 2021 meeting, California Water Research submitted the following letter:

April 2021

Prior to the Delta ISB’s April 16, 2021 meeting, California Water Research submitted the following letter:

In addition, California Water Research provide copies of position letters submitted to the California State Senate Natural Resources Committee on Senate Bill 821 (available upon request by emailing:

  • Re: SB 821 (Natural Resources Committee) -- Amendments to Delta Independent Science Board Authorizing Statute (Wat. Code §85280) – CHANGE POSITION TO SUPPORT (dated 4/7/21)
  • Re: SB 821 (Natural Resources Committee) -- Amendments to Delta Independent Science Board Authorizing Statute (Wat. Code §85280) -- OPPOSE UNLESS AMENDED (dated 4/2/21)

August 2020

Ecosystems (Non-native Species) Review

On July 14, 2020, the Delta ISB released a draft report on its ecosystems review, titled “The Science of Non-native Species in a Dynamic Delta” for public comments, which were due on August 24, 2020. The following public comment letters were received:

Delta Conveyance Project

On April 17, 2020, the Delta ISB submitted a comment letter to DWR on the Notice of Preparation for the Delta Conveyance Project to inform DWR on its intent to review the draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Public comments received on this topic are below.

March 2020

Delta Science During Rapid Environmental Change

The Delta ISB received the following public comment letter on its draft discussion paper (dated 11/25/19) and its draft summary memo (dated 3/15/20) on ecology during rapid environmental change:

July 2019

Interagency Ecological Program Review

The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft review of the Interagency Ecological Program (dated 6/14/19):