Delta Independent Science Board Meetings
The Delta Independent Science Board (Delta ISB) meets on a monthly basis. The Delta ISB meets in-person around four times a year in Sacramento and throughout the Delta. When not meeting in-person, the Delta ISB meets by teleconference. Delta ISB meetings are available for live and archived viewing via webcast on Cal-Span (prior to October 2024) and AdminMonitor (starting October 2024).
Below you will find a list of Delta ISB meetings dating back to July 2019. Simply click on the date of the meeting you are interested in reviewing to access the corresponding meeting notices, agendas, background materials, presentations, and more. To access meeting notices and materials older than July 2019, please contact
A Meeting Notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: 2023 Draft Staff Report to the Sacramento/Delta update to Bay-Delta
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Comments on the Sacramento / Delta Draft Staff Report
- Agenda Item 5: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 8: Final Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 9: Final Subsidence Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 10: Final Food-webs Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 10: Food-webs Briefing Paper
- Public Correspondence:
- URGENT Request for Adequate Time to Review Delta Conveyance Project Final EIR from Bob Wright (received 12/13/23)
- Available upon request by emailing
- URGENT Request for Adequate Time to Review Delta Conveyance Project Final EIR from Bob Wright (received 12/13/23)
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Draft Work Plan
- Agenda Item 2: Re: Comments on the Sacramento / Delta Draft Staff Report
- Agenda Item 3: Outreach Highlights Report from Council’s January 2024 Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: Legislative Update from Council’s January 2024 Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: 2023 Council Annual Report Information Sheet
- Agenda Item 3: 2023 Annual Review
- Agenda Item 3: Review of the Long-Term Operations of the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Lead Scientist from Council’s January 2024 Meeting
- Agenda Item 5: State of Bay-Delta Science 2022 Executive Summary
- Agenda Item 6: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 7: Final Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 8 Final Subsidence Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 9: Final Food-webs Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 9: Food-webs Briefing Paper
- Agenda Item 9: Draft Food-webs Review
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 3: DWR’s Change in Point of Diversion Petition for the Delta Conveyance Project to the State Water Resources Control Board
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Delta Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring Strategy
- Agenda Item 4: Draft ISB Comments on Draft Delta Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring Strategy
- Agenda Item 5: Final Food-webs Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 5: Food-webs Briefing Paper
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 2/14/24)
- Agenda Item 5: Revised Draft Food-webs Review (dated 3/18/24)
- Agenda Item 6: Decision-Making under Deep Uncertainty Seminar Playlist
- Agenda Item 7: Delta Lead Scientist Recruitment Flyer
- Agenda Item 7: Delta Lead Scientist Candidate Seminars Playlist
- General Public Correspondence:
- CMIP5 models project wetter trends than observed in western US from California Water Research (received 2/21/24)
- Concerns expressed by Delta local flood agencies at August 2021 DLIS hearing from California Water Research (received 2/21/24)
- Supplemental Comments on USACE Draft EIS for the Delta Conveyance Project from Bob Wright (received 2/26/24)
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Review of the draft Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Strategy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Lead Scientist Appointment Recommendation
- Agenda Item 4: Council Priorities
- Agenda Item 4: Council’s Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 4: Council’s Outreach and Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 6: Delta Lead Scientist Report from the Council meeting
- Agenda Item 6: 2025 Delta Research Awards
- Agenda Item 6: Notice of Board Workshop on Proposed Voluntary Agreements Related to Sacramento/Delta Update to Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 8: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 8: DWR’s Change in Point of Diversion Petition for the Delta Conveyance Project to the State Water Resources Control Board
- Agenda Item 10: Draft Subsidence Review Outline
- Agenda Item 11: Draft Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Seminar Synthesis Appendix
- Agenda Item 11: Decision-Making under Deep Uncertainty Seminar Playlist
- General Public Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Press Release - Council Appoints Delta Lead Scientist
- Agenda Item 3: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 3: DWR’s Change in Point of Diversion Petition for the Delta Conveyance Project to the State Water Resources Control Board
- Agenda Item 3: Fish and Aquatic Effects Analysis for the LTO of the CVP and SWP Final Panel Letter (
- Agenda Item 4: Public Review Draft Delta Plan Five-Year Review 2024 with Performance Measure Report Cards
- Agenda Item 4: Public Review Draft Performance Measure Report Cards - Technical Section Supporting the Delta Plan Five-Year Review Report
- Agenda Item 6: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 8: Draft Subsidence Review Outline
- General Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Letter - Congratulations on Hosting a Successful IEP Workshop
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Strategy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Agenda Item 3: Delta ISB Comments on Draft Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Strategy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Grand Challenges to Delta Science
- Agenda Item 5: Public Review Draft Delta Plan Five-Year Review 2024 with Performance Measure Report Cards
- Agenda Item 5: Public Review Draft Performance Measure Report Cards - Technical Section Supporting the Delta Plan Five-Year Review Report
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Delta ISB Comments on Draft Delta Plan 5-year review
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB Food-web Review Public Comments
- Agenda Item 8: Draft Subsidence Review Outline
- General Public Correspondence:
- Delta ISB refusing to sign off on draft Delta Plan performance measures due to lack of external review from California Water Research (received 5/22/24)
- Western NA hydroclimate could be shifting back to a wet regime. What does that mean for the Delta ecosystem? from California Water Research (received 5/22/24)
- DYK: Limitations of CALSIM model in representing reservoir operations with climate change? from California Water Research (received 5/22/24)
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Strategy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Grand Challenges for Delta Science
- Presentation slides are available upon request by emailing
- Revised Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Comments on the Delta Plan Five-Year Review, 2024, with Performance Measure Report Cards
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report from the Council’s May Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report from the Council’s June Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Science Program Independent Science Peer Review
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Food-web Review Public Comments
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Daft Subsidence Review
- General Public Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Report - Delta Drought Response Pilot Program - Water Year 2023
- Agenda Item 4: Outreach Highlights Report from Council’s July Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Legislative Update from Council’s July Meeting
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Food-web Review Public Comments
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 7/2/24)
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 8/9/24)
- Agenda Item 8: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Chair-elect News Release
- Agenda Item 2: Council Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Issue Paper
- Agenda Item 3: IEP Food-webs Synthesis Proposal
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Food-webs Review (dated 4/17/24)
- Agenda Item 4: Revised Food-webs Review (dated 9/3/24)
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB Food-web Review Public Comments
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 7/2/24)
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB’s Draft Subsidence Review (dated 8/9/24)
- Agenda Item 7: Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 7: Operations Plan for the Delta Conveyance Project by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB’s Draft Review of the Final EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project
- General Public Correspondence:
- Comments on Bureau of Reclamation DEIS (EIS No. 20240131) on Long-Term Operations of the CVP and SWP from Sierra Club and Other Public Interest Organizations (received 9/6/24)
- Comments on Bureau of Reclamation DEIS (EIS No. 20240131) on Long-Term Operations of the CVP and SWP from Planning Conservation League and Other Public Interest Organizations (received 9/9/24)
- Expert elicitation workshop on dimensions of uncertainty in CalSim3 from Dr. Laurel Larsen (received 9/10/24)
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 3: IEP Food-webs Synthesis Proposal by Dr. Rosemary Hartman
- Available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 3: IEP Food-webs Synthesis Proposal by Dr. Rosemary Hartman
- Day 1 Meeting Notice (Tour)
- Day 2 Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB’s Final Memo on the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 2: Press Release for New Chair
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Climate Science Research Symposium Prospectus
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Plan Five-Year Review 2024
- Agenda Item 3: Appendix to the Delta Plan Five-Year Review 2024
- Agenda Item 5: Council Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Paper
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report from Council’s October 2024 Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report from Council’s September 2024 Meeting
- Agenda Item 4: DWR’s Golden Mussel Fact Sheet
- Agenda Item 4: California’s Invaders: Golden Mussel (CDFW Website)
- Agenda Item 6: Draft Emerging Climate Research Symposium Prospectus
- The Delta ISB received the following correspondence on its draft emerging climate research symposium:
- Agenda Item 7: Council Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Paper
- Agenda Item 7: Delta ISB Draft Comments on Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Paper
- Day 1 Meeting Notice (Tour)
- Day 2 Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Emerging Climate Research Symposium Prospectus
- The Delta ISB received the following correspondence on its draft emerging climate research symposium:
- Lucy Andrews (received 10/29/24)
- Richard Norgaard (received 10/31/24)
- Todd Plain (received 11/14/24)
- California Department of Water Resources (received 11/14/24)
- Denise Colombano (received 11/14/24)
- Gonzalo Castillo (received 11/19/24)
- Morgan Chow (received 11/19/24)
- Delta Conservancy (received 11/20/24)
- Lisamarie Windham-Myers (received 11/27/24)
- The Delta ISB received the following correspondence on its draft emerging climate research symposium:
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Delta Adapts Adaptation Plan
- Agenda Item 7: State Water Project Delivery Capability Report
- Agenda Item 8: Council Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Paper
- Agenda Item 8: Delta ISB Draft Comments on Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Paper (dated 11/5/24)
- Agenda Item 8: Revised Delta ISB Draft Comments on the Draft Tribal and Environmental Justice Paper (dated 11/20/24)
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Emerging Climate Research Symposium Prospectus
- General Public Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Council’s December 2022 Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 3: Council’s December 2022 Legislative Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 4: Council’s December 2022 Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 4: Proposals for Voluntary Agreements to Update and Implement the Bay-Delta Plan
- Agenda Item 4: FAQ Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement in Support of Proposed Voluntary Agreements for the Sacramento River, Delta, and Tributaries Update to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement in Support of Proposed Voluntary Agreements for the Sacramento River, Delta, and Tributaries Update to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB’s Final Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report Review
- Agenda Item 5: Environmental Impact Statement for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- General Public Correspondence:
- Untitled Public Comment Letter from California Water Research (received 12/8/22)
- Co-production of knowledge -- AGU session & research paper (received 12/8/22)
- Information on Long Covid and cognitive impairment from California Water Research (received 12/22/22)
- The Delta Conveyance Project is NOT a solution to drought and climate change from various individuals
- Available upon request by emailing
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Lead Scientist Report from the Council’s January 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 2: Legislative Update from the Council’s January 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 2: Outreach Highlights Report from the Council’s January 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 2: 2022 Council Annual Report
- Agenda Item 2: State of Bay-Delta Science
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Science Tracker
- Agenda Item 3: Delta ISB’s Final Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report Review
- Agenda Item 3: Environmental Impact Statement for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Comments on the Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Statement
- Agenda Item 4: Proposals for Voluntary Agreements to Update and Implement the Bay-Delta Plan
- Agenda Item 4: FAQ Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement in Support of Proposed Voluntary Agreements for the Sacramento River, Delta, and Tributaries Update to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement in Support of Proposed Voluntary Agreements for the Sacramento River, Delta, and Tributaries Update to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- General Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB’s Final Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report Review
- Agenda Item 2: Environmental Impact Statement for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 2: Revised Draft of the Delta Conveyance Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (dated 2/28/23)
- Agenda Item 3: Proposals for Voluntary Agreements to Update and Implement the Bay-Delta Plan
- Agenda Item 3: FAQ Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement in Support of Proposed Voluntary Agreements for the Sacramento River, Delta, and Tributaries Update to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- Agenda Item 3:: Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement in Support of Proposed Voluntary Agreements for the Sacramento River, Delta, and Tributaries Update to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Delta ISB Comments on the Scientific Basis for Implementation of Voluntary Agreements (dated 2/28/23)
- General Public Correspondence:
- “Known unknowns” about increases in extreme events, climate dynamics, and deep uncertainty about climate model projections from California Water Research (received 2/23/23)
- Subject: USACE DEIS Legal Deficiencies--Supplemental DEIS Required from Bob Wright (received 2/22/23)
- Environmental and fishing group comments on the Scientific Basis for the VAs from California Water Research (received 2/22/23)
- Request for State Board Action to Ensure Compliance with the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan and Decision 1641 in February (Delta Outflow Objective: Port Chicago X2) (received 2/22/23)
- Public Comments at Today's Delta ISB Meeting from Tuolumne River Trust (received 2/16/23)
- Delta Tunnel Project from Penelope Lepome (received 2/15/23)
- Comments on Delta Conveyance EIS and Voluntary Agreements (Agenda item 3 and 4) from Karen Jacques (received 2/15/23)
- Public Comment: Delta Independent Science Board Meeting - Agenda Item 3 & 4 from Lionel Mares (received 2/15/23)
- Comment for Delta ISB Meeting, Agenda Item 4 from Jo Coffey (received 2/14/23)
- Revised Day 1 Meeting Notice
- Revised Day 2 Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Comments on the Scientific Basis for Implementation of Voluntary Agreements for the Sacramento River, Delta, and Tributaries
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Comments on the Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Statement
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Workplan
- Agenda Item 3: Council 2023 Workplan
- Agenda Item 3: Council 2022 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 3: Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 3: Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 4: Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop Summary
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Science Tracker
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Prospectus - Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty
- Agenda Item 9: Draft Prospectus - Subsidence Reversal
- Agenda Item 10: Draft Prospectus - Food-webs
- General Public Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Seminar Series Save-the-Date Flyer (Alice Hill)
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Alice Hill Bio
- Agenda Item 3: Revised Subsidence Reversal Prospectus (4/17/22)
- Agenda Item 3: Revised Food-webs Prospectus (4/20/23)
- Agenda Item 3: SWRCB’s April 4 Public Meeting Recording: Quarterly Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 4: Adaptive Management Forum Agenda
- Agenda Item 4: Revised Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Prospectus (4/17/23)
- Public Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: Revised Subsidence Reversal Prospectus (4/17/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its subsidence reversal review.
- Agenda Item 5: Revised Food-webs Prospectus (4/20/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its food-webs review.
- Agenda Item 6: Revised Draft Prospectus on Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty (5/15/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its food-webs review.
- Agenda Item 6: Decision-making Under Deep Uncertainty Seminar #2 Flyer
- Agenda Item 4: Revised Subsidence Reversal Prospectus (4/17/23)
- General Correspondence:
- Day 1 Meeting Notice
- Day 2 Meeting Notice (Boat Tour)
- Posting-meeting Working Session Notice and Agenda
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Outreach Highlights Report from the Council's May 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: Legislative Update from the Council's May 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 5: Revised Food-webs Prospectus (4/20/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its food-webs review.
- Agenda Item 5: Revised Food-webs Prospectus (6/23/23)
- This version considers the above public comments.
- Agenda Item 6: Open Forum Questions
- Agenda Item 8: Revised Draft Prospectus on Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty (5/15/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its decision-making uncertainty review.
- Agenda Item 9: Revised Subsidence Reversal Prospectus (4/17/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its subsidence reversal review.
- Agenda Item 10: Capstone report: Could Kelp Aquaculture Have a Future in California? A State Policy Briefing Book (
- Agenda Item 10: StoryMap: Could California Have a Future with Kelp Aquaculture? (
- General Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Lead Scientist Recruitment Flyer
- Agenda Item 2: About the California Water Boards
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Lead Scientist Report from the Council’s June 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: Outreach Highlights Report from the Council’s June 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: Legislative Update from the Council’s June 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: 2023 IEP Workshop Playlist
- Agenda Item 5: Revised Draft Prospectus on Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty (5/15/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its decision-making uncertainty review.
- Law Offices of Michael A. Brodsky (received 5/16/23)
- BJ Miller (received 5/18/23)
- John Helly (received 6/22/23)
- Michael Whitehead (received 6/22/23)
- Francis Coats (received 6/22/23)
- Richard Norgaard (received 6/26/23)
- Alejo Kraus-Polk (received 6/26/23)
- Department of Water Resources (received 6/26/23)
- Brett Milligan (Appendix A) (received 6/21/23)
- Lisa Lucas (Appendix A) (received 6/21/23)
- Laurel Larsen (Appendix A) (received 6/22/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its decision-making uncertainty review.
- Agenda Item 5: Revised Draft Prospectus on Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty (7/11/23)
- This version addresses public comments. For a track change version, please contact
- Agenda Item 6: Revised Subsidence Reversal Prospectus (4/17/23)
- The Delta ISB received the following public comments on its draft prospectus for its subsidence reversal review.
- Agenda Item 6: Revised Draft Prospectus on Subsidence (7/11/23)
- This version addresses public comments. For a track change version, please contact
- General Correspondence:
- Re: Supplemental Comments on the Draft EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project from Bob Wright (received 6/29/23)
- Federal and state conflict of interest issues with UC Climate Action Initiative grant from California Water Research (received 7/12/23)
- Available upon request by emailing
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Council’s July Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 3: Council’s July Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Plan 5-Year Review Update
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Member Recruitment Flyer
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Lead Scientist Recruitment Flyer
- Agenda Item 6: Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
- Agenda Item 7: 2019 Delta Science Plan
- Agenda Item 7: Grand Challenges for Delta Science Information Sheet
- Agenda Item 8: Final Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Prospectus
- Agenda Item 8: Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Seminar Series Save-the-Date Flyer (Andrew Parker and Jody Wong)
- Agenda Item 9: Draft Food-webs Workshop Agenda
- Agenda Item 9: Final Food-webs Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 11: Final Subsidence Review Prospectus
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 3: Council’s August 2023 Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 3: Council’s August 2023 Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Pyrethroid Research Plan by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB Draft Comments on Draft Pyrethroid Plan (dated 9/7/23)
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Food-webs Workshop Agenda
- Agenda Item 5: Final Food-webs Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 6: Final Subsidence Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 7: Final Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Prospectus
- Agenda Item 8: Save-the-Date Flyer Decision-making Under Deep Uncertainty Seminar #3 (Brett Milligan)
- Agenda Item 11: Delta Lead Scientist Recruitment Flyer
- Meeting Notice
- Save-the-Date
- Final Subsidence Review Prospectus
- Panelist Bios
- Background Materials:
- Solutions for subsidence in the California Delta, USA, an extreme example of organic-soil drainage gone awry by Deverel et al. (2020)
- Carbon Sequestration and Subsidence Reversal in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Bay: Management Opportunities for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation by Windham-Myers et al. (2023)
- General Public Correspondence:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Comments on the Draft Pyrethroid Control Program and Research Plan
- Agenda Item 4: 2023 Draft Staff Report to the Sacramento/Delta update to Bay-Delta
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Comments on the Sacramento / Delta Draft Staff Report
- Agenda Item 5: Council Meeting Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 5: Council Meeting Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 6: California Sacramento-San Joaquin Green Sturgeon: A Comprehensive Review by Sam Pyros (California Sea Grant State Fellow) and Steve Culberson (IEP Lead Scientist)
- Agenda Item 8: Final Decision-making under Deep Uncertainty Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 9: Final Subsidence Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 10: Final Food-webs Review Prospectus
- Agenda Item 10: Food-webs Briefing Paper
- Public Correspondence:
- Supplemental Comments on DWR Draft EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project from Bob Wright (received 11/21/23)
- Available upon request by emailing
- Supplemental Comments on DWR Draft EIR for the Delta Conveyance Project from Bob Wright (received 11/21/23)
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Bay-Delta Hydrology 101 Summary
- Agenda Item 3: Delta ISB Comment’s on the Notice of Preparation for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 3: August 2020 Summary of DWR’s Update to the Delta ISB on the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 7: Staff Report: Delta Plan Performance Measures 2021 Year in Review
- Agenda Item 7: DPIIC Restoration Subcommittee Fact Sheet
- Agenda Item 8: Delta Lead Scientist Staff Report
- Agenda Item 9: Delta Science Program’s Request to Review the draft 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda
- Agenda Item 9: Delta ISB’s Draft Review of the Draft 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda
- Agenda Item 10: Draft Water Supply Reliability Review (dated 9/1/21). The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on this draft report:
- Richard Norgaard (received 10/8/2021)
- Ben Bray (received 10/13/2021)
- Thomas Zuckerman (Central Delta Water Agency) (received 10/14/2021)
- Central Delta Water Agency (received 10/15/2021)
- Westlands Water District (received 10/15/2021)
- State Water Contractors (received 10/15/2021)
- California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Water Impact Network, Aqualliance, and California Water Research (received 10/15/2021)
- Agenda Item 12: Planning Future Reviews Summary Document
- Background Materials:
- Presentations (available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 2: Overview of State Water Project and Central Valley Projects by John Leahigh (DWR) and Kristin White (USBR)
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Conveyance Project Update by Carrie Buckman (DWR)
- Agenda Item 7: Delta Stewardship Council and Executive Office Chair Report
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB’s Review of the 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda Review
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Stewardship Council 2021 Annual Report
- Agenda Item 3: DPIIC Restoration Subcommittee Fact Sheet
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Water Supply Reliability Review (dated 9/1/21). The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on this draft report:
- Richard Norgaard (received 10/8/2021)
- Ben Bray (received 10/13/2021)
- Thomas Zuckerman (Central Delta Water Agency) (received 10/14/2021)
- Central Delta Water Agency (received 10/15/2021)
- Westlands Water District (received 10/15/2021)
- State Water Contractors (received 10/15/2021)
- California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Water Impact Network, Aqualliance, and California Water Research (received 10/15/2021)
- Agenda Item 4: Revised Draft Water Supply Reliability Review (dated 2/2/2022)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Governance Brown Bag Seminar Series
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Science Fellowship
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB Bay-Delta Conservation Plan Chapter Assignments
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB Comment’s on the Notice of Preparation for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 7: Planning Future Reviews Summary Document
- Agenda Item 9: Moyle et al. (2018)
- This report was provided by Dr. Peter Moyle as background reading for the Delta ISB.
- Presentations (Available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Stewardship Council Chair and Executive Officer Report
- Agenda Item 6: Past Delta ISB Reviews on the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan and California WaterFix
- Agenda Item 8: Using food web models to support management of the Atlantic menhaden fishery for multi-species benefits by Dr. Andre Buchheister, Humboldt State University
- Agenda Item 9: Delta Fishes: Key Players in a Novel Ecosystem by Dr. Peter Moyle, UC Davis
- General Correspondence
- Current controversy over operations of the State Water Project and the Central Valley Project (received 1/12/2022)
- Comments on 1/13 Delta ISB presentations from Tom Zuckerman (received 1/14/22)
- Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR): Integrated Climate Adaptation & Resiliency Program (ICARP) Updates from California Water Research (received 1/14/22)
- Sharing SCC's White Paper on Alternatives to the DCP California Water Research (received 1/19/22)
- Network weaving in the DPIIC Restoration Subcommittee efforts
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Proposed 2022 Delta Stewardship Council Priorities
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 6 - Delta Science Program Assessment of the Impact and Value of the Delta Independent Science Board
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Water Supply Reliability Review (2/2/22)
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Monitoring Enterprise Review (10/12/21)
- Agenda Item 11: Delta Science Program & National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 2021 Synthesis Working Group
- Agenda Item 12: Yarnell et al. (2015)
- Suggested Reading from Dr. Yarnell, as part of presentation.
- Agenda Item 12: Stein et al. (2021)
- Suggested Reading from Dr. Yarnell, as part of presentation.
- General Public Correspondence:
- Presentations (available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 6: Delta Science Program Assessment of the Impact and Value of the Delta Independent Science Board
- Agenda Item 10: Overview of CDFW Incidental Take Permit on the Long-term Operations of the State Water Project
- Agenda Item 10: Overview of the NMFS Biological Opinion on the Long-term Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
- Agenda Item 10: Overview of the USFWS Biological Opinion on the Long-term Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
- Agenda Item 11: Delta Science Program and National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Working Group
- Agenda Item 12: California Environmental Flows Framework
- Agenda Item 13: Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- Background Materials:
- Day 1 Meeting Notice (Field Tour)
- Day 2 Meeting Notice (In-person Meeting)
- Day 1 Meeting Materials:
- Day 2 Meeting Materials:
- Background Materials:
- Delta Science Strategy
- Maven’s Notebook: State, Federal Agencies Announcement Agreement with Local Water Suppliers to Improve the Health of Rivers and Landscapes
- Maven’s Notebook: State, Federal Agencies and Sacramento River Settlement Contractors Agree on Approach for 2022 Water Operations on the Sacramento River
- Maven’s Notebook: An Update on the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan
- General Public Correspondence:
- Re: Assessment of the Value and Impact of the Delta ISB from California Water Research (received 3/9/22)
- Re: Comments on presentations at March 10, 2022 meeting from California Water Research (received 3/18/22)
- Statutory and Constitutional Transparency Requirements from California Water Research (received 4/5/22)
- Re: Delta Independent Science Board coordination and administration from California Water Research (received 4/6/22)
- Presentations:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 4: 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda
- Agenda Item 5a: Monitoring Enterprise Review Summary Sheet
- Agenda Item 6: Revised Science Needs Assessment Outline
- Agenda Item 8: Draft Response to the Delta ISB’s Assessment of the Impact and Value of the Delta ISB
- Agenda Item 9: Draft Memo from Dr. Lund: Evaluating Best Available Science for Delta Conveyance Proposals
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB’s Review of the DRAFT Science Action Agenda
- Agenda Item 5a: Monitoring Enterprise Review (Final)
- Agenda Item 5b: Water Supply Reliability Review (Draft)
- Agenda Item 5c: Non-native Species Review (Final)
- Agenda Item 6: Delta Science Funding and Governance Initiative
- Agenda Item 6: Letter to DPIIC (dated 2/11/2019)
- Agenda Item 8: Assessment of the Impact and Value of the Delta ISB
- Revised Day 1-2 Meeting Notice
- Day 3 Meeting Notice (Tour)
- Day 1-2 Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Comment’s on the Notice of Preparation for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Conveyance Update Summary (August 2020)
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Conveyance Update Summary (January 2022)
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report Preliminary Page Counts
- Agenda Item 3: Delta ISB Bay-Delta Conservation Plan Chapter Assignments
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Plan 1a: Best Available Science
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Plan Appendix C: Adaptive Management and the Delta Plan
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB Response to the Delta Science Program Assessment
- Agenda Item 7: April 2022 Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 7: Council’s April 2022 Legislative Report
- Agenda Item 9: Delta ISB Operating Guidelines
- Agenda Item 11a: Delta ISB Non-native Species Review
- Agenda Item 11b: Delta ISB Monitoring Enterprise Review
- Agenda Item 11c: Delta ISB Water Supply Reliability Review
- Agenda Item 12c: Discussion Topic – Environmental Flows and a Resilient Delta
- Day 3 Meeting Materials:
- General Public Correspondence:
- Background information on conflict over Voluntary Agreement Framework from California Water Research (received 5/18/2022)
- Major California Senate proposal involving the Delta Independent Science Board and unresolved governance issues from California Water Research (received 5/25/2022)
- Re: Please provide full support for the Delta Independent Science Board in this year’s budget negotiations (received 5/31/2022)
- JUNE 2: Budgeting for Climate Resilience in California w/ Senator Bob Wieckowski from California Water Research (received 6/1/2022)
- The Delta Conveyance Project is NOT a solution to drought and climate change from various individual (received 6/6 to 6/7/2022)
- Presentations (available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Conveyance Project Update by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 3: Delta Plan: Best Available Science Framework
- Agenda Item 13a: Swimming upstream: A Year with the Delta Science Program by Allegra La Ferr, California Sea Grant State Fellow
- Agenda Item 13b: Out of the Woods and into the Delta by Kristine Grace Cabugao, Delta ISB Postdoctoral Scholar
- Agenda Item 13c: Anadromous Science: Researching Climate Change from the Ocean to the Delta by Lillian McCormick, Delta ISB Postdoctoral Scholar
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 3: Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 4: Questions to DWR
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Comment’s on the Notice of Preparation for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Conveyance Update Summary (August 2020)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Conveyance Update Summary (January 2022)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report Preliminary Page Counts
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Conveyance Update Summary (June 2022)
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Conveyance Project EIR Review Template
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Conveyance Project Chapter Assignments Draft
- Available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 6: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 7: Operating Guidelines
- Agenda Item 7: Proposed Amendments to the Operating Guidelines
- Agenda Item 8c: Final Water Supply Reliability Estimation Review Report
- Agenda Item 8c: Final Water Supply Reliability Estimation Review Summary Sheet
- General Public Correspondence:
- Re: Legislature approves audit of 2021 runoff forecasts and drought preparation by DWR and the Water Board from California Water Research (received June 30, 2022)
- The Delta Conveyance Project is NOT a solution to drought and climate change from various individuals
- Available upon request by emailing
- Presentations (available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Conveyance Project Update by the California Department of Water Resources
- Agenda Item 7: Operating Guidelines
- Day 1 Meeting Notice (August 11, 2022)
- Day 2 Meeting/Tour Notice (August 12, 2022)
- Proposed Tour Agenda (August 12, 2022)
- Day 1 Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Revised Operating Guidelines
- Agenda Item 3: Outreach Highlights Report (June 2022)
- Agenda Item 3: Legislative Report (July 2022)
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report (July 2022)
- Agenda Item 4: Collaborative Adaptive Management Team: Assessment of Reviews of Long-term Monitoring Programs and Objectives
- Agenda Item 4: San Francisco Estuary Blueprint
- Agenda Item 5: Anticipating California Delta Futures
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Work Plan
- Agenda Item 9b: Monitoring Enterprise Review Journal Draft
- Agenda Item 10: Delta Plan Chapter 4 Amendment (Protect, Restore, and Enhance the Delta Ecosystem)
- Agenda Item 10: Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Final Environmental Impact Report
- Agenda Item 11: Draft Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report
- Agenda Item 11: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project Review Template
- Agenda Item 11: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project EIR Review Chapter Assignments
- Day 2 Meeting Materials:
- General Correspondence:
- Blog post: The eye of the storm and the State Water Resources Control Board from California Water Research (received July 19, 2022)
- EIR Tunnel Review from Tom Zuckerman (received July 19, 2022)
- Please clarify the peer review process for the design and proposed operations of the Delta Conveyance project from California Water Research (received July 25, 2022)
- Re: Best Available Science for “Delta as Place” Considerations in Delta Conveyance Project EIR from the Delta Protection Commision (received August 6, 2020)
- Attachment from the Delta Protection Commission
- This was received in August 2020. On July 26, 2022, the Delta Protection Commission asked for this public correspondence to be re-circulated.
- Availability of DCP Engineering Product Reports and Technical Memos from California Water Research (received August 2, 2022)
- The Delta Conveyance Project is NOT a solution to drought and climate change from various individuals
- Available upon request by emailing
- EIR Delta Conveyance from Tom Slater (received August 8, 2022)
- Available upon request by emailing
- Presentations (Available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 10: Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment by the Delta Stewardship Council
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: Water Supply Reliability Estimation Blog
- Agenda Item 4: Legislative Update (August 2022)
- Agenda Item 4: Outreach Highlights Report (July 2022)
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee Restoration Subcommittee Draft Work Plan
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Lead Scientist Report (August 2022)
- Agenda Item 6: Draft Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project Review Template
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project EIR Review Chapter Assignments
- Agenda Item 6: Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR Virtual Public Hearings Information
- Agenda Item 6: Delta ISB Extension Request Letter
- Agenda Item 6: REVISED Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR Review Outline
- General Public Correspondence:
- 2022 Draft EIR Links from Osha Meserve to the Delta Independent Science Board (received 8/11/2022)
- California Water Research Blog Posts and Technical Information on the Delta Conveyance Project (received 9/9/12)
- Matt Conover provide an oral comment on 9/12 to staff for the Delta ISB to review the Huang and Swain (2022) article, as the Delta ISB completes the Delta Conveyance Project EIR Review.
- The Delta Conveyance Project is NOT a solution to drought and climate change from various individuals
- Available upon request by emailing
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Council Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 2: Council Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Lead Scientist's Report
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report
- Agenda Item 4: Change Sheet for the Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project Review Template
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project EIR Review Chapter Assignments
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR Virtual Public Hearings Information
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB Extension Request Letter
- Agenda Item 4: REVISED Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR Review Outline
- Day 1 Meeting Notice
- Day 2 Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: October 2022 Council Outreach Highlights Report
- Agenda Item 3: October 2022 Council Legislative Update
- Agenda Item 3: Council Response to the Delta ISB Water Supply Reliability Review
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB’s Draft Review of the Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report
- Agenda Item 5: Change Sheet for the Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project Review Template
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Delta Conveyance Project EIR Review Chapter Assignments
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR Virtual Public Hearings Information
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Extension Request Letter
- Agenda Item 5: REVISED Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR Review Outline
- Agenda Item 6: October 2022 Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 7: Revised Proposal Anticipating California Delta Futures
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Lead Scientist’s Report from the Council’s November 2022 Meeting
- Agenda Item 2: Outreach Highlights Report from the Council’s November 2022 Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: Science supporting decision-making under deep uncertainty
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB’s Draft Review of the Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report (10/28/22 version)
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB’s Revised Draft Review of the Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report (12/1/22 version)
- Agenda Item 4: Delta ISB’s Appendix A: Additional Comments on Individual Chapters of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Report
- Agenda Item 4: Change Sheet for the Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR
- Public Correspondence:
- The Delta Conveyance Project is NOT a solution to drought and climate change from various individuals
- Feedback on your November 3 Zoom session from John Armstrong (received 11/4/22)
- Available upon request by emailing
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Presentation (Available upon request by e-mailing
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Workplan Discussion Presentation (Available upon request by emailing
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 3: 2020 Delta Stewardship Council Annual Report
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Adapts Draft Vulnerability Assessment
- Agenda Item 6: Draft Science Needs Assessment Proposal to the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (2/10/21)
- Agenda Item 7: Water Supply Reliability Review Outline (2/1/21)
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Adapts Draft Vulnerability Assessment Presentation (available upon request by emailing
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Revised Meeting Notice
- Public Comments
- Presentations (available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 2: Reflections from Delta ISB Fellow
- Agenda Item 4: Initial Findings from the Delta ISB Assessment by the Delta Science Program
- Agenda Item 6: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 5b: Excerpts of the Delta ISB’s Water Supply Reliability Review (dated 6/9/21)
- Agenda Item 6: Approaches to Future Delta ISB Reviews
- Public Comments:
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 4: “From the Delta and back again” by Jennica Moffat (available by emailing
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Stewardship Council Staff Report on Contract with the University of California, San Diego, California SeaGrant
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 5: Stakeholder Views of the Delta ISB
- Agenda Item 6b: Monitoring Enterprise Review Excerpts (available upon request by emailing
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report (available upon request by emailing
- Public Comments:
- Discussion of Delta ISB situation at June 24, 2021 DSC Meeting” from California Water Research (received June 29, 2021)
- Public comments at 6/24/21 Delta Stewardship Council meeting regarding DISB funding” from Regional San
- SB 821 amended to increase compensation & add urgency clause from California Water Research
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Protection Commission on Senate Bill 821
- Agenda Item 3: Monitoring Enterprise Review Excerpts (available upon request by emailing
- Public Correspondence:
- Re: SB 821 (Committee on Natural Resources and Water): Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Delta Independent Science Board - REQUEST FOR SIGNATURE from the Delta Counties Coalition (received July 14, 2021)
- July 28-30: White House Listening Sessions on Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking from California Water Research (received July 24, 2021)
- Update: Delta Protection Commission vote on SB 821 position, Water Board Chair expresses support, comments to White House listening session from California Water Research (received August 4, 2021)
- Presentations (available by request by emailing
- Overview of the United States Geological Survey by Mike Chotkowksi
- Overview of the NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center by Rachel Johnson
- Overview of the United States Bureau of Reclamation by Joshua Israel
- Overview of the California Department of Water Resources by Lenny Grimaldo
- Overview of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife by Carl Wilcox
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Public Correspondence:
- The ISB Monitoring Enterprise Review from the Coalition for a Sustainable Delta (received August 26, 2021)
- On scientific confluence and the challenges of avoiding a ghastly future in California water from California Water Research (received September 15, 2021)
- Thank you for Your Service from Heinrich Albert (received September 16, 2021)
- Presentations:
- Agenda Item 9: Overview of the Delta Science Program by Dr. Laurel Larsen (available upon request by emailing
- Background Materials:
- Revised Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: 2021 Delta Invasive Species Symposium
- Agenda Item 3: DPIIC Restoration Subcommittee Fact Sheet
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report
- Agenda Item 4: Adapting Restoration for a Changing Climate Symposium Flyer
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Governance Survey
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Monitoring Enterprise Review (dated 10/12/21)
- Agenda Item 6: Stakeholder Views of the Delta ISB
- Agenda Item 8: Draft Water Supply Reliability Review (dated 9/1/21)
- Public Correspondence:
- Prior to the Delta ISB’s October 19, 2021, meeting, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence:
- In addition, the Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on its water supply reliability review (dated 9/1/2021):
- Richard Norgaard (received 10/8/2021)
- Ben Bray (received 10/13/2021)
- Thomas Zuckerman (Central Delta Water Agency) (received 10/14/2021)
- Central Delta Water Agency (received 10/15/2021)
- Attachment 1: Recommendations for an Effective Water Change
- Attachment 2: Delta Water Facilities
- Both attachments available upon request by emailing
- Westlands Water District (received 10/15/2021)
- State Water Contractors (received 10/15/2021)
- Attachment: Table of Comments
- Available upon request by emailing
- Attachment: Table of Comments
- California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Water Impact Network, Aqualliance, and California Water Research (received 10/15/2021)
- Presentations (Available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report by Laurel Larsen
- Agenda Item 7: Delta Independent Science Board Reinvigorated by Steve Brandt
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Postdoctoral Scholar Recruitment Flyer
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Member Recruitment Flyer
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Assessment of the Impact and Value of the Delta Independent Science Board
- Agenda Item 8: Draft Monitoring Enterprise Review (dated 10/12/21)
- Agenda Item 9: Draft Water Supply Reliability Review (dated 9/1/21). The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on this draft report.
- Richard Norgaard (received 10/8/2021)
- Ben Bray (received 10/13/2021)
- Thomas Zuckerman (Central Delta Water Agency) (received 10/14/2021)
- Central Delta Water Agency (received 10/15/2021)
- Attachment 1: Recommendations for an Effective Water Change
- Attachment 2: Delta Water Facilities
- Both attachments available upon request by emailing
- Westlands Water District (received 10/15/2021)
- State Water Contractors (received 10/15/2021)
- Attachment: Table of Comments
- Available upon request by emailing
- Attachment: Table of Comments
- California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Water Impact Network, Aqualliance, and California Water Research (received 10/15/2021)
- General Public Correspondence
- Presentations (available upon request by emailing
- Agenda Item 3: Planning Retreat Overview by Stephen Brandt
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Assessment of the Delta ISB by the Delta Science Program
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta Invasive Species Symposium
- Agenda Item 5a: Draft Monitoring Enterprise Review (dated 10/12/21). The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on this draft report:
- Agenda Item 5b: Draft Water Supply Reliability Review (dated 9/1/21). The Delta ISB received the following public correspondence on this draft report:
- Richard Norgaard (received 10/8/2021)
- Ben Bray (received 10/13/2021)
- Thomas Zuckerman (Central Delta Water Agency) (received 10/14/2021)
- Central Delta Water Agency (received 10/15/2021)
- Westlands Water District (received 10/15/2021)
- State Water Contractors (received 10/15/2021)
- California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Water Impact Network, Aqualliance, and California Water Research (received 10/15/2021)
- Agenda Item 7: Delta Science Program’s Request to Review the draft 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Report by Dr. Laurel Larsen
- Agenda Item 7: Science Action Agenda by Rachael Klopfenstein and Henry DeBey
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 5: Preliminary Draft Delta Plan Chapter 4 (Protect, Restore, and Enhance the Delta Ecosystem)
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Performance Measure Datasheets
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Discussion on the Public Draft of the Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment
- Agenda Item 6 and 7: Draft Social Science Strategy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Agenda Item 8b: Revised “Ecology During Rapid Environmental Change” Discussion Paper (dated 11/25/19)
- Agenda Item 8c: Final Delta ISB Review on the Interagency Ecological Program
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: 2019 Council Accomplishments and Proposed 2021-2022
- Agenda Item 5: Delta ISB Draft Memo on Review of the Draft Social Science Strategy
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Social Science Strategy for the Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta
- Agenda Item 6b: Final Delta ISB IEP Review
- Agenda Item 10: Delta ISB Panel Discussion Paper (“Toward a Preemptive Ecology for Rapid, Global, and Increasingly Irreversible Environmental Change”)
- Agenda Item 13: Preliminary Draft Delta Plan Chapter 4 (Protect, Restore, and Enhance the Delta Ecosystem)
- Agenda Item 10: Panel Responses to Delta ISB Discussion Paper
- Agenda Item 10: Panelist Profiles
- Agenda Item 13: Delta ISB Draft Memo on Review of the Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment
- Agenda Item 13: Draft Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Performance Measure Datasheets
- Agenda Item 13: Independent Scientific Review of Preliminary Public Review Draft of Delta Plan Chapter 4 Performance Measure
- Anna Sturrock Comments on Performance Measure 4.6 and 4.13
- John G. Williams Comments on Performance Measures 4.6 and 4.13
- Rebecca Buchanan Comments on Performance Measures 4.6 and 4.13
- Josh Collins Comments on Performance Measures 4.12, 4.15, and 4.16
- Kristin Byrd Comments on Performance Measures 4.12, 4.15, and 4.16
- Stephen Crooks Comments on Performance Measures 4.12, 4.15, and 4.16
- Agenda Item 14: Planning Future Reviews Summary
- Agenda Item 1tem 14: Stakeholder Feedback on Future Delta ISB Reviews
For more information, please visit the Delta Lead Scientist webpage.
For more information, please visit the Delta Lead Scientist webpage.
- Meeting Notice (Revised 3/19/2020)
- WebEx
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Final Memo - Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Review
- Agenda Item 2: Final Memo - Draft Social Science Strategy Review
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Delta Stewardship Council Public Participation Plan
- Agenda Item 4: Prospectus for Assessment of Delta ISB Recommendations
- Communication Product (Poster): A Review of the Interagency Ecological Program’s Ability to Provide Science Supporting Management of the Delta
- This poster was designed for printing on 38 inch by 48 inch sized paper.
- Agenda Item 7c: Briefing Paper for the 2020 Science Needs Assessment Workshop
- Agenda Item 7d: Draft Memo - Summary of Discussion on Ecology During Rapid Environmental Change
- Background Material:
- Meeting Notice (Revised 3/24/2020)
- Brown Bag Seminar Recording
For more information, please visit the Delta Lead Scientist webpage.
- Meeting Notice
- WebEx
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: Council Staff Report on Consideration of a Contract with the United States Geological Survey to Fund Operation Baseline 2.0 Investigations
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Memo on Delta Science During Rapid Environmental Change
- Agenda Item 5: Public Comment Letter from California Water Research (dated 3/30/20)
- Background Materials:
- Recorded Seminars of Delta Lead Scientist Applicants:
- Meeting Notice
- WebEx
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Memorandum: Preparing for Accelerating and Uncertain Environmental Change
- Agenda Item 2: Letter: Notice of Preparation for the Delta Conveyance Project
- Agenda Item 4: A Social Science Strategy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Agenda Item 5a: Monitoring Enterprise Review Component 1 Summary
- Agenda Item 5a: Monitoring Enterprise Review Questionnaire
- Agenda Item 5c: Draft Water Supply Reliability Review Outline
- Agenda Item 5d: Science Needs Assessment Discussion 1 Recording
- Agenda Item 5d: Science Needs Assessment Mentimeter Results
- Agenda Item 7: Potential Review Topics
- Agenda Item 8: Operation Guidelines
- Background Materials:
- Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Materials (from the Council’s May 1, 2020 Meeting):
- Council Staff Report: Consideration of Authorization to Commence California Environmental Quality Act Review of the Draft Ecosystem Amendment as the Proposed Project
- Attachment 1: Summary of Comments Received and Staff Responses
- Attachment 2: May 2020 Draft Chapter 4, Protect, Restore, and Enhance the Delta Ecosystem (which includes policies and recommendations)
- Attachment 3: May 2020 Draft Regulatory Requirements to Demonstrate Consistency with Regulatory Policies and New Definitions. Appendix 3A, Appendix4A, and Definitions
- Attachment 4: May 2020 Draft Appendix 8A. Priority Locations to Evaluate Physical Expansion of Channel Width
- Attachment 5: May 2020 Draft Appendix Q1. Methods Used to Update Ecosystem Restoration Maps Using New Digital Elevation Model and Tidal Data
- Attachment 6: May 2020 Draft Appendix Q2. Key Considerations and Best Available Science for Protecting, Restoring, and Enhancing the Delta Ecosystem
- Attachment 7: May 2020 Draft Appendix Q3. Identifying, Mapping, and Quantifying Opportunities for Landscape-Scale Restoration in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Attachment 8: May 2020 Draft Appendix Q4. Conservation and Recovery Plan Target Species
- Attachment 9: May 2020 Draft Appendix E. Performance Measures for the Delta Plan
- Attachment 10: May 2020 Draft Performance Measure Datasheets
- Attachment 11: May 2020 Draft Amendments to Chapter 4 Policies & Recommendations, Redlined Relative to Existing Chapter 4 Policies and Recommendations
- Council Staff Report: Consideration of Authorization to Commence California Environmental Quality Act Review of the Draft Ecosystem Amendment as the Proposed Project
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: 2022 to 2026 Science Action Agenda Information Sheet
- Agenda Item 4: 2022 to 2026 Science Action Agenda Screening Criteria
- Agenda Item 4: Social Science for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Brown Bag Webinar Series
- Agenda Item 5: Operating Guidelines
- Agenda Item 5: Proposed Amendments
- Agenda Item 7a: Draft Ecosystems Review
- Agenda Item 7b: Monitoring Enterprise Review Questionnaire (Deadline Extended until June 19, 2020)
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Operating Guidelines (revised June 12, 2020)
- Agenda Item 3: Council Public Participation Plan (Council Endorsement Draft)
- Agenda Item 4: News Release - Delta ISB Appointments
- Agenda Item 4: Visual Abstract -- Large Contribution from Anthropogenic Warming to an Emerging North American Megadrought
- Agenda Item 5a: Draft Review Report -- The Science of Non-native Species in a Dynamic Delta
- Agenda Item 6: Virtual Conferences Guide to Best Practices from the Association for Computing Machinery
- Agenda Item 6: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Virtual Collaboration Webpage
- Background Materials:
- Science Needs Assessment Save-the-Date Flyer
- Prospectus: Delta Science Program Assessment of Delta ISB Recommendations
- Ecosystems Review Prospectus
- Water Supply Reliability Review Prospectus
- Monitoring Enterprise Review Prospectus
- Monitoring Enterprise Review Component 1 Summary
- Final Review of the Interagency Ecological Program
- Workshop and Virtual Discussion Series Flyer
- Briefing Paper for the 2020 Science Needs Assessment Workshop
- Science Needs Assessment Pre-Workshop Discussion Part 3 Recording
- Science Needs Assessment Pre-Workshop Discussion Part 3 Presentation
- Science Needs Assessment Pre-Workshop Discussion Part 3 Summary
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4b: Planning Future Science Reviews
- Agenda Item 5a: Draft Report: The Science of Non-native Species in a Dynamic Delta
- Agenda Item 6b: Draft Rapid Change Article (dated 8/10/2020)
- Agenda Item 9b: Delta Protection Commission Letter on Best Available Science for “Delta as Place” Considerations in Delta Conveyance Project EIR
- Background Materials:
- Science Needs Assessment Save-the-Date Flyer
- Prospectus: Delta Science Program Assessment of Delta ISB Recommendations
- Ecosystems Review Prospectus
- Water Supply Reliability Review Prospectus
- Monitoring Enterprise Review Prospectus
- Monitoring Enterprise Review Component 1 Summary
- Final Review of the Interagency Ecological Program
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Reflections
- Agenda Item 4: Public Comment Draft: The Science of Non-native Species in a Dynamic Delta (dated 7/14/2020)
- Agenda Item 4: Revised Draft Report: The Science of Non-native Species in a Dynamic Delta (dated 9/8/2020)
- Agenda Item 4: Public Comment Letters
- Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (received 8/20/2020)
- Attachment: Bauer, Marissa. 2010. An Ecosystem Model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Bay, California USA. Master’s Thesis, California State University, Chico (Available upon request by emailing
- Bob Peoples (received 8/24/2020)
- Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (received 8/20/2020)
- Background Materials:
- Ecosystems Review Prospectus
- Water Supply Reliability Review Prospectus
- Monitoring Enterprise Review Prospectus
- Monitoring Enterprise Review Component 1 Summary
- Final Review of the Interagency Ecological Program
- Science Needs Assessment Save-the-Date Flyer
- Delta Science Funding and Governance Initiative Implementation Report
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Zoom Registration
- To join the webcast, please register before the meeting via Zoom.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join the webcast. If you have a computer microphone, you will have the option to receive audio and provide oral comments through your computer. If not, please dial the phone number listed in your confirmation email.
- Meeting Materials:
- Presentations (Available by e-mailing
- Agenda Item 3: Harmful Algal Blooms Panel Discussion
- Background Materials:
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 7: Revised IEP Review Draft (6/14/19)
- Agenda Item #7: IEP Review Alternative Recommendations
- Agenda Item #9: Speaker Bio
- Agenda Item 10a: Monitoring Enterprise Review Workshop Summary
- Agenda Item #10b: Water Supply Reliability Review Outline
- Agenda Item #10b: Water Supply Reliability Review Interview Questions
- Agenda Item #11: Discussion Questions
- Agenda Item #11: 2017 Planning Retreat Ideas
- Agenda Item #11: Delta ISB Review Matrix
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Public Comments on the Delta ISB’s Draft IEP Review (6/14/19)
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Delta ISB Presentation to the Council (8/22/19)
- Agenda Item 3: Draft Delta Plan Five-Year Review Staff Report
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Lead Scientist Recruitment Job Announcement
- Agenda Item 5: Individual Delta ISB Comments on the Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Performance Measure
- Agenda Item 5: Draft Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Performance Measures (Request Package)
- Draft Delta Plan Performance Measures Appendix E Format
- Draft Performance Measure 4.12 (Subsidence Reversal)
- Draft Performance Measure 4.13 (Barriers to Fish Migration)
- Draft Performance Measure 4.14 (Funding for Ecosystem Restoration)
- Draft Performance Measure 4.15 (Season Inundation)
- Draft Performance Measure 4.16 (Natural Communities)
- Draft Performance Measure 4.6 (Salmon Doubling)
- Agenda Item 6: Independent Scientific Review of the Delta Mercury Control Program Phase 1 Methylmercury Control Studies
- Agenda Item 7: Draft Delta Science Funding and Governance Initiative Report 4
- Agenda Item 9: Voluntary Agreements Background
- Agenda Item 10: Delta Conservation Adaptive Management Action Strategy
- Agenda Item 11: Draft IEP Review Report (dated 8/12/19)
- Agenda Item 12a: Monitoring Enterprise Inventory Framework
- Agenda Item 12b: Water Supply Reliability Interview Questions
- Agenda Item 13: Draft July 2019 Planning Session Summary
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Rapid Environmental Change Events
- Agenda Item 3: Delta ISB Comment Letter on the Draft Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Performance Measures
- Agenda Item 4: Overview of Southern California Water Supply Reliability and Reduced Reliance Projects; and Innovations in Water-use Efficiency and Reuse
- Agenda Item 5: Delta Lead Scientist Job Announcement
- Agenda Item 7e: Water Supply Reliability Interview Questions
- Agenda Item 8: Planning Future Reviews
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Meeting Notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 2: Rapid Change Events Calendar (11/12/19)
- Agenda Item 3: Background on the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategy
- Agenda Item 4: Staff Report from the October 2019 Council Meeting (Delta Plan Five-Year Review Report)
- Agenda Item 7: Ecological Effects on the Delta of the 2015 Emergency Drought Barrier Summary Sheet
- Agenda Item 11: Interim Monitoring Inventory Report (Report 2; Available Upon Request)
- Agenda Item 15: Planning Future Reviews
- Revised Meeting notice
- Meeting Materials:
- Agenda Item 4: Individual Delta ISB Feedback on the Draft Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment
- Agenda Item 4: Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment for Public Review
- Draft Ecosystem Amendment Appendix Q2
- Draft Ecosystem Amendment Appendix 8a
- Draft Ecosystem Amendment Appendix E
- Agenda Item 4: Draft Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Performance Measure Datasheets
- Draft Performance Measure 4.6
- Draft Performance Measure 4.12
- Draft Performance Measure 4.13
- Draft Performance Measure 4.14
- Draft Performance Measure 4.15
- Draft Performance Measure 4.16
- Agenda Item 6b: Revised “Ecology During Rapid Change” Paper (dated 11/25/19)
- Agenda Item 6c: Final Delta ISB Review on the Interagency Ecological Program
- Agenda Item 7: Future Delta ISB Review Ideas (dated 12/06/19)
- Agenda Item 7: Stakeholder Feedback on Future Delta ISB Reviews