About the Delta Plan
While there are many agencies involved in both the near and long-term management of the Delta, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act of 2009 established the Delta Stewardship Council to create a comprehensive, long-term, legally enforceable plan to guide how multiple federal, State, and local agencies manage the Delta’s water and environmental resources. The 2009 legislation directed the Council to oversee the implementation of this plan through coordination and oversight of State and local agencies proposing to fund, carry out, and approve Delta-related activities. It also granted the Council regulatory and appellate authority over certain actions that take place in whole or in part in the Delta and Suisun Marsh, referred to as covered actions.
To learn about how we implement the Delta Plan, read the information sheet about the Council and the Delta Plan.
Upholding the Delta Plan
Since 2010, the Council has developed, amended, and begun implementing the Delta Plan, addressing multiple complex challenges in the process. Much progress has been made, but much remains to be done. Developed to achieve the State’s coequal goals of a reliable statewide water supply and a protected, restored Delta ecosystem in a manner that preserves the values of the Delta as a place, the Delta Plan includes regulatory policies and recommendations. Collectively, these policies and recommendations address current and predicted challenges related to the Delta’s ecology, flood management, land use, water quality, and water supply reliability. The Delta Plan’s policies and recommendations are based on the best available science and depend on cooperation and coordination among federal, State, and local agencies.
Since the Council’s establishment, our regulatory authority has been upheld by California’s judicial branch twice. The most recent decision by the Superior Court of California in 2022 cleared the way for the Council to apply our expertise and exercise our broad authority in determining how to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Delta Reform Act. Learn more.
Reviewing the Delta Plan
To ensure the Delta Plan evolves appropriately with time, the Delta Reform Act requires the Council to review the comprehensive management plan at least once every five years and revise it as the Council deems appropriate.
The Council published its inaugural Delta Plan Five-Year Review in 2019 and has worked toward implementing its recommended priority actions . Read the 2019 Five-Year Review and a highlights companion piece in PDF format.
The Council completed its second Delta Plan review in 2024. The 2024 Review provides “report cards” that rate ten-year progress toward the Plan’s objectives. The 2024 Review also analyzes how effectively the Council has carried out its regulatory and appellate roles and recommends actions the Council may pursue over the next five years. Combined, this information will inform the Council’s near-term priorities and adaptive management of the Delta Plan.
Read the 2024 Five-Year Review, as well as its technical appendix and information sheet, in PDF format.
By considering the Delta Plan and implementation progress to date, the Council will be better positioned to develop a roadmap for potential future changes and improvements to Delta Plan content and implementation strategies. The next five-year review of the Delta Plan will be released in 2029.
View the Delta Plan by individual chapters and appendices below.
- Delta Plan Cover Letter
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary (Amended, January 2024)
- Chapter 1 - Introduction
- Chapter 2 - The Delta Plan (Amended, April 2018 and 23 CCR § 5002(b)(2) amended July, 2019)
- Chapter 3 - A More Reliable Water Supply for California (Amended, April 2018)
- Chapter 4 - Protect, Restore, and Enhance the Delta Ecosystem (Amended, June 2022)
Note: Amended Chapter 4 regulatory policies will not take effect until rulemaking concludes. Current Chapter 4 regulatory policies are available on the Delta Plan Regulations web page.
- Chapter 5 - Protect and Enhance the Unique Cultural, Recreational, Natural Resource, and Agricultural Values of the California Delta as an Evolving Place
- Chapter 6 - Improve Water Quality to Protect Human Health and the Environment
- Chapter 7 - Reduce Risk to People, Property, and State Interests in the Delta (Amended, January 2024)
- Chapter 8 - Funding Principles to Support the Coequal Goals
- Appendix 1A - Best Available Science
- Appendix 1B - Adaptive Management
- Appendix 3A: ER PA, Appendix 4A: ER P2, and New Proposed Definitions Related to Appendix 3A and 4A (Amended, June 2022)
- Appendix 8A: Priority Locations to Evaluate Physical Expansion of Channel Width (Amended, June 2022)
Note: Amended Chapter 4 regulatory policies will not take effect until rulemaking concludes. Current Chapter 4 regulatory policies are available on the Delta Plan Regulations web page.
- Appendix A - The Delta Stewardship Council's Role Regarding Conveyance
- Appendix B - Regulatory Language and Appendices Submitted to Office of Administrative Law, August 2013
- Appendix C - Adaptive Management and the Delta Plan
- Appendix D - Administrative Procedures Governing Appeals, Statutory Provisions Requiring Other Consistency Reviews, and Other Forms of Review or Evaluation by the Council (Amended, February 2024)
- Appendix E - Performance Measures for the Delta Plan (Amended, June 2022)
- Appendix F - Statutory Exemptions from Covered Actions
- Appendix G - Achieving Reduced Reliance on the Delta and Improved Regional Self-Reliance
- Appendix H - Key California Water Conservation and Management Laws
- Appendix I - Addressing Multiple Stressors and Multiple Goals in the Delta Plan (memorandum)
- Appendix J - Excerpt from Draft Ecosystem Restoration Program's Conservation Strategy for Stage 2 Implementation for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Ecological Management Zone (DFG 2011): "Section III. Stressors; Non-native Invasive Species"
- Appendix K - Delta Dredged Sediment Long-Term Management Strategy
- Appendix L - State Flood Control Facilities within the Legal Boundary of the Delta (Map showing Central Valley Flood Protection Board Jurisdictions)
- Appendix M - Projected 5-year Budgets (Fiscal Years 2012-2017) for Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Protection Commission, and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
- Appendix N - Funding and Financing Options
- Appendix O - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Appendix P - Maps of Delta Levee Investment Priorities
- Appendix Q1: Methods Used to Update Ecosystem Restoration Maps Using New Digital Elevation Model and Tidal Data (Amended, June 2022)
- Appendix Q2: Key Considerations and Best Available Science for Protecting, Restoring, and Enhancing the Delta Ecosystem (Amended, June 2022)
- The Good Neighbor Checklist (included in Appendix Q2) recommends best practices for habitat restoration projects.
- Appendix Q3: Identifying, Mapping, and Quantifying Opportunities for Landscape-Scale Restoration in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Amended, June 2022)
- Appendix Q4: Conservation and Recovery Plan Target Species (Amended, June 2022)
- Glossary (Amended, April 2018)
The following thirteen maps are listed in the Delta Plan document using a standard print resolution. These high resolution versions are being made available so that the detailed information on the maps is more easily readable.
- Figure 1-1 Delta Boundaries
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh are referred to throughout the Plan collectively as “the Delta,” unless otherwise specified. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is defined in Water Code section 12220, and Suisun Marsh means the area defined in Public Resources Code section 29101 and protected by Division 19 (commencing with section 29000).
- Figure 1-2 Delta Plan Study Area - Revised
The Delta Watershed and Areas Receiving Delta Water - Water from the vast Delta watershed, spanning over 45,000 square miles (30 million acres), fuels both local economies and those in export areas hundreds of miles away.
- Figure 1-4 The Delta Plan
The map shows the primary area covered by the Delta Plan, including features and uses referred to in the Plan's 14 policies and 73 recommendations.
- Figure 3-2 Moving and Storing California’s Water
To provide more reliable water supplies despite the state’s hydrologic variability and diverse geography, and also to manage floods during wet years, State, federal, and local agencies have built a vast, interconnected infrastructure system throughout California.
- Figure 4-4 Priority Locations to Evaluate Physical Expansion of Floodplains
There are limited locations in the Delta where land use, land elevation, and primary fish migration corridors are conducive to physically expand floodplains. To ensure that these opportunities are not foreclosed, new flood control works and capital improvement projects to existing flood control works in these priority locations must evaluate the feasibility of setting back or removing existing levees in order to physically expand the width of the channel.
- Figure 4-5 Elevation Bands for the Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement of Different Classes of Natural Communities
Opportunities for habitat restoration in the Delta are constrained first and foremost by the elevation of land, which determines the potential of an area to be restored. Much of the Delta has subsided too deeply to restore its original ecological functions.
- Figure 4-7 Priority Habitat Restoration Areas
Priority habitat restoration areas are large areas within which specific sites may be identified for habitat restoration based on assessments of land use and other issues addressed through further feasibility analysis. Protecting the opportunity to restore habitat in these areas will contribute sufficient land area, at appropriate elevations and in appropriate locations, to restore critical habitat types and to achieve the vision of a restored Delta ecosystem.
- Figure 4-8 Priority Migration Corridors
This map identifies Priority Migration Corridors for native migratory fish species within the Delta. Public agencies should fund and implement projects that improve aquatic habitat conditions and reduce predation risk for juvenile salmon along the priority migration corridors.
- Figure 5-1 Delta Primary & Secondary Zones & Suisun Marsh
The Delta is composed of three areas recognized in California law. The Primary Zone is the largest and includes 490,050 acres at the heart of the Delta (Public Resources Code section 29728). The Secondary Zone includes 247,320 acres surrounding the Primary Zone (Public Resources Code section 29731). Suisun Marsh lies northwest of the Primary Zone, encompassing 106,570 acres (Public Resources Code section 29101) primarily of managed wetland. The Suisun Marsh overlaps the boundary of the Delta by about 4,300 acres.
- Figure 5-2 Delta Communities
The map shows land uses designated by city and county general plans. Within cities' spheres of influences (SOIs), the map shows land use designations proposed in city general plans, where available. In cases where cities have not proposed land uses within their SOIs, the map shows land uses designated by county general plans.
- Figure 5-3 Agricultural Land Use in the Delta
Agriculture is among the qualities that define the Delta as a place. The Delta’s initial reclamation created farmland, and ongoing maintenance of its levees and water controls allows for continued farming in the region. Agriculture dominates the Delta landscape and provides the setting for Delta residents’ communities, homes, and job sites.
- Figure 5-5 State Parks and Other Protected Lands
The map shows the locations of State parks and other protected lands in the Delta. The Delta Protection Commission estimates that about 12 million activity days of recreation occur in the Delta annually (DPC 2012b). Visitors value the wide expanses of open land, interlaced waterways, historic towns, and the lifestyle offered by the Delta.
- Figure 5-6 Major Delta Resources and Recreation
This map shows the variety and distribution of some of the recreational opportunities in the Delta. The region’s mix of land and water offers di-verse recreation experiences and facilities, including fishing, boating, bird watching, other nature activities, hunting, enjoying restaurants, campgrounds, picnic areas, and historic towns and buildings.
- Figure 7-3 State and Federal Project Levees and Non-project Levees in the Legal Delta and Suisun Marsh
This map shows the locations of project and non-project levees in the Delta. The project levees begin on the left bank of the Sacramento River at Sherman Island and line most of the riverbanks, as well as the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel and some connecting waterways north to Sacramento and beyond. On the San Joaquin River they line the riverbanks from Old River to Stockton.
- Figure 7-6 Delta Flood Management Facilities
The map shows flood management resources including flood control bypasses and floodways, along with other floodplains to be protected. It also shows water supply reliability levee projects, flood control project levees and urban non-project levees.
Original Delta Plan (Adopted May 16, 2013)
Related Links
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Delta Plan Performance Measures
- Council Meetings
- About the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (DPIIC)