About the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee

The Delta Reform Act of 2009 (Delta Reform Act) charged the Delta Stewardship Council (Council) to establish and oversee a committee of agencies responsible for implementing the Delta Plan. Each agency shall coordinate its actions pursuant to the Delta Plan with the council and the other relevant agencies. Water Code Section 85204
The Council established the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (DPIIC) after adoption of the Delta Plan in 2013 and continues to coordinate and oversee its activities as required by the Delta Reform Act.
DPIIC strives to facilitate Delta Plan implementation through collaboration in support of shared national, statewide and local goals for the Delta. The Council aims to craft agendas that highlight the interconnections of the Delta Plan with initiatives, plans, or programs of DPIIC agencies. DPIIC explores opportunities to align agencies’ actions in the Delta watershed, showcases DPIIC agencies’ achievements, and guides actions to address pressing issues affecting Delta Plan implementation. These agencies are vital to making progress on achieving the coequal goals through four key elements: water supply reliability, Delta ecosystem health and restoration, Delta as a Place, and best available science in support of “One Delta, One Science.”