Research Awards

The Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Science Program supports research to inform water and environmental decision-making in the Delta. All research addresses priority topics identified in the Science Action Agenda, which is developed by and for the Delta science community to ensure that critical research for informing decision-making is prioritized and implemented.
Learn about awarded projects and more in the Delta Science Tracker.
Proposals for research awards are received from the scientific community and awarded via a competitive proposal solicitation process. The process is administered with a partnership between the Delta Science Program and California Sea Grant. California Sea Grant administers the solicitation and applications with their online eSeaGrant portal, coordinates external expert review of proposals, and facilitates communication of project outcomes.

2025 Awards
This funding opportunity is now closed. Visit California Sea Grant’s web page to find out more details about this opportunity.
In partnership with CA Sea Grant, the Delta Science Program solicited up to $6 million in research projects that advance the 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda. This solicitation incentivized social science proposals and encouraged co-produced research, where information is produced by both the researchers and the communities affected by the research.
Previous Awards
Over $9.6 million of combined funds from the Delta Science Program and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation were awarded to 16 high-priority research projects. Following the proposal reviews, selection process, and coordination with the Council, the State Water Contractors provided funding support for the project; “How Delta food webs have changed: integrating detrital material into the Delta food web puzzle,” (see below), pushing the funding total to over $10 million.
All projects address critical biophysical and social science knowledge gaps in the Delta identified in the 2017-2021 Science Action Agenda and by the Sacramento River Science Partnership. Of the funded projects, two will carry out Integrated Socio-Ecological Systems (ISES) research, a new project category for this solicitation that meaningfully integrates social and natural sciences to build comprehensive knowledge on a topic. Learn more about each of the funded projects through the information sheet and accordion bars below.
Dr. Hans Paerl1, Dr. Karsten Baumann1, Dr. Ryan Paerl2, Hwa Huang2, Dr. Kimberly Popendorf3, Dr. Raphael Kudela4
High concentrations of the toxin microcystin are linked to the increased occurrence of cyanoHABs (harmful algal blooms that produce toxins) and present a public health concern for communities in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Bay-Delta). Recent findings suggest that cyanoHABs threaten air quality in addition to water quality via emissions of spray aerosols carrying algal cells and toxins. This study aims to generate high resolution measurements of cyanoHAB toxins and DNA in the Bay-Delta airshed, with the goal of informing human exposure guidelines for airborne cyanoHAB toxins and bloom mitigation policy in the region.
1University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2North Carolina State University
3University of Miami
4University of California Santa Cruz
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council
Dr. Tamara Kraus1, Dr. Peggy Lehman2, Angela Hansen1, Dr. Brian Bergamaschi1, Chuck Hansen1
A major impediment to improved understanding and prediction of cyanoHABs in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) is the dearth of cyanoHAB data collected across space and time. To address this data gap, this study will add cyanotoxin sampling to five existing real-time water quality monitoring stations in the Delta. Additionally, two stations will be equipped with sensors that continuously measure the abundance of four different phytoplankton groups. These data will help to identify temporal patterns and key environmental drivers of cyanoHABs and cyanotoxins.
1U.S. Geological Survey
2California Department of Water Resources
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council
Dr. Stefan Talke1, Dr. David Jay2
In the Delta, sea-level is rising, land is sinking, river flows may be decreasing, and tides are changing. This project will recover, digitize, and analyze more than 1,300 station years of ‘lost-and-forgotten’ water level records collected between 1857 to 1982. These measurements, augmented by modern data, will be used to determine tidal and sea level trends, and characterize ‘hotspots’ of habitat and flood risk sensitivity. The results may be useful for focusing future scientific and management priorities, protecting the environment, managing flood risk, and enhancing community resilience to climate change.
1California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2Portland State University
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council
Dr. Dennis Baldocchi1, Dr. Ariane Ortiz1
Tidal wetlands that ring the Bay-Delta have great potential to remove carbon dioxide— the greenhouse gas responsible for climate change and sea-level rise—from the atmosphere and to protect shorelines from rising sea-levels. This study aims to understand how effective and how quickly restored wetlands bury carbon in soils, and the degree to which flooded wetlands may produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The project team will measure carbon dioxide and methane fluxes into and out of the wetlands to assess carbon sequestration across a network of tidal and non-tidal wetlands differing in age and salinity, and will create maps of the Bay-Delta with this information using remote sensing products.
1University of California, Berkeley
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council
Dr. Malte Willmes1, Dr. Flora Cordoleani1, Dr. Eric Palkovacs1, Dr. Rachel Johnson2,3, Jelmer Eerkens3
Climate change is transforming California and is threatening already vulnerable salmon populations. This project will use archival tissues (otolith ear stones) from modern and historical spring-run Chinook Salmon to understand how shifts in migration timing and habitat use allowed salmon to cope with highly variable environmental conditions. We will learn how salmon responded to the recent drought and flood periods (2012-2020), the California Gold Rush Period (~1835-1870), the Little Ice Age (~1560-1780), and the Megadrought Period (~1200-1410). This effort will provide the insights needed for developing climate-adapted conservation actions to support salmon into the future.
1University of California, Santa Cruz
2National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
3University of California, Davis
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Myfanwy Johnston1, Zachary Jackson2, Laura Heironimus3
White Sturgeon is a species of conservation concern in California. However, the scope and variability of movements of White Sturgeon in the Bay-Delta system between river basins remains unknown, despite the existence of over a decades’ worth of acoustic telemetry data in the region. This project’s objective is to combine and synthesize these existing datasets to address high priority research areas for the management of White Sturgeon in the Bay-Delta system, including spawning periodicity, the onset of upstream migration movement, and the scope and variability of inter-basin movements of White Sturgeon.
1Cramer Fish Sciences
2United States Fish and Wildlife Service
3Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Alexander Forrest1
The Temperature Control Device (TCD) at Shasta Dam provides a means for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to selectively withdraw water from different depths and temperatures to manage cold water releases to downstream river reaches during the spring, summer, and fall. Cold-water pool management, particularly during low water years, is essential for downstream winter-run Chinook salmon spawning and rearing. How the TCD operates under day-to-day operations for different gate openings, different powerhouse operations, and different thermal conditions within the reservoir is poorly understood. This work will build a flow model to optimize the performance of the existing infrastructure to protect downstream fisheries, enabling more informed operation of the TCD.
1University of California, Davis
*Funded by the US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Russell Perry1, Dr. Mariah Meek2, Brian Pyper3
The estimated number of young salmon that leave the upper watershed every year, or the “juvenile production estimate”, has been highlighted as a critical data gap that could otherwise be used to inform population demographics, parameterize life cycle models, and provide a population-level criteria for managing take of federally threatened spring-run and endangered winter-run Chinook salmon at the state and federal water projects. In response to this data gap, the goal of this project is to estimate abundance and run timing of juvenile spring-run Chinook salmon leaving the Delta at Chipps Island by leveraging two existing studies that use the latest advances in genetic and acoustic telemetry technology.
1U.S. Geological Survey, Western Fisheries Research Center
2Michigan State University
3Fish Metric Inc.
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Mark Henderson1
This study will analyze acoustic telemetry data for the four runs of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in California’s Sacramento River (fall, late-fall, winter, and spring) and determine the primary factors, for each run, that affect mortality of juveniles migrating to the ocean. The project team will develop models of juvenile salmon survival to examine the relative influence of flow and predation on survival through the Sacramento River, including indication of hot-spots of mortality, where predation may claim many juvenile salmon before they enter the ocean.
1Humboldt State University
*Funded by the US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Rene Henery1, Dr. Natalie Stauffer-Olsen1, Gary Bobker2, Rafael Silberblatt3, Dr. Noble Hendrix4, Dr. Mark Tompkins5, Dr. Eric Danner6, Dan Ohlson7, Sally Rudd7, Alison Collins8, Frances Brewster9
Salmon of California’s Central Valley are culturally and ecologically valuable but are subject to numerous stressors. This study will use sociological and ecological methodologies to develop an integrated, collective, and strategic approach for recovering Central Valley salmonid populations. The project will do this by leveraging existing collaborative efforts and decision-support tools to create a common, shared vision, and a common set of scientifically-based priorities for action that are both implementable and impactful.
1Trout Unlimited
2The Bay Institute
3Kearns & West
4QEDA Consulting
6National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; University of California, Santa Cruz
8Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
9Valley Water
*ISES; Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Rebecca Buchanan1, Dr. Russell Perry2
Predation of tagged fish (i.e., consumption of tagged fishes by predators) complicates analysis of juvenile salmon telemetry studies and can bias results, delay timely reporting, and prevent effective data synthesis. This project seeks to address these issues by characterizing predatory fish movement patterns from existing telemetry data in the Delta, developing a standard operating procedure for diagnosing and handling detections of predated tags in salmon telemetry studies, and implementing the recommendations in an R software package that includes code, a “library” of expected predator behaviors, and example vignettes. The R package will be freely available for download at
1University of Washington
2United States Geological Survey
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Letitia Grenier1, Dr. Lydia Vaughn1
Suisun Marsh faces changes to its ecological, social, and economic systems due to interacting impacts of climate change and land and water management. Sustaining a functioning marsh that supports fish, waterfowl, recreation, and other benefits requires thoughtful planning and coordination among landowners, resource managers, and other stakeholders. To support these efforts, Suisun Landscapes will develop a synthetic and inclusive set of resources for conservation planners and managers that describe: the Marsh’s historical ecology; the drivers, pathways, and impacts of change over time; and community uses and priorities. Resources will include maps, quantitative metrics, written reports, and tools for scenario planning
1San Francisco Estuary Institute, Aquatic Science Center
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council
Dr. John Takekawa1, Dr. Karen Kettenring2, Dr. Virginia Matzek3, Dr. Zhao Ma4, Dr. Richelle Tanner5
Suisun Marsh—a large area of wetlands—supports a variety of birds, fish, invertebrates, and plants, and provides recreation opportunities for hunters, fishers, birdwatchers, and boaters. The area has been invaded by nonnative, invasive Phragmites australis, a tall reed that grows in dense stands and impedes navigation, reduces fish and wildlife movements, decreases biodiversity, and creates fire hazards. Phragmites has spread rapidly over the last 25 years, including in recently restored tidal wetlands. This project will study social, cultural, and ecological factors that affect invasive species control, combining natural and social science data to develop a durable integrated control plan for Phragmites.
1Suisun Resource Conservation District
2Utah State University
3Santa Clara University
4Purdue University
5Chapman University
*ISES; *Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council
Dr. Peter Hernes1, Dr. Brian Bergamaschi2, Dr. Tamara Kraus2
A Delta ecosystem that is healthy for fish is healthy for everyone. However, zooplankton resources for fish are scarce, thus, this project focuses on different food sources for increasing zooplankton, including known phytoplankton sources, but also wetland plant particles, which have only recently been identified as a zooplankton food source in the Delta. This project aims to determine and map all particle types that are beneficial to zooplankton in the Delta by coupling laboratory analyses of food quality with boat sensor measurements, thereby providing important tools for guiding management decisions to increase beneficial particles.
1University of California, Davis
2United States Geological Survey
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and State Water Contractors
Dr. Raman Nagarajan1, Dr. Andrea Schreier1
Extensive tidal wetland restorations are ongoing in the Bay-Delta. To understand which species are using these habitats, this project will use environmental DNA (eDNA) methods that indirectly detect species presence via DNA shed in the environment. In parallel with existing monitoring programs that use nets to catch and identify fish, this project will collect non-invasive water samples and perform eDNA assays to determine the presence or absence of fish and potentially other organisms. Successful completion of this project will establish eDNA monitoring as a complementary, cost-effective tool to help resource managers evaluate the success of restoration efforts.
1University of California, Davis
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and US Bureau of Reclamation
Dr. Michelle Jungbluth1, Jason Hassrick2
In the Bay-Delta, massive wetland restoration efforts are underway to help our declining aquatic species. However, it continues to be unclear what aquatic species, under the water surface, these efforts support. This project will use molecular methods to identify a subset of species ranging from “microbes to zooplankton” that are indicative of wetland conditions, in different stages of restoration. The project will also measure the foodweb resources provided by the wetlands to larval fish. This information will help managers prioritize restoration efforts that are most likely to directly help declining aquatic species.
1San Francisco State University, Estuary and Ocean Science Center
*Funded by the Delta Stewardship Council and US Bureau of Reclamation
In 2019 the Delta Science Program, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation awarded a total of $16.9 million for 26 high-priority science research projects in the Delta.
The Council’s Delta Science Program selected 15 projects listed below for a total of $9.6 million in funding. These projects range in cost from about $200,000 to $1 million. Reclamation contributed almost $2 million toward four of the projects (denoted by *). CDFW awarded $7.3 million in Proposition 1 funding for 11 additional projects. More information about CDFW’s awarded projects can be found on CDFW’s website.
To learn more about these projects, we invite you to view the StoryMap created by 2022 California Sea Grant State Fellow Tabitha Birdwell. It takes readers on an immersive virtual tour across the Delta, summarizing key points of each project, including the catalyst behind the research, key research steps, and resulting management implications or public benefits. It connects research and management priorities for each project by highlighting contributions to the 2017-2021 Science Action Agenda’s five Action Areas.
Scott Brandenberg, University of California, Los Angeles
In June 2004, a 350-foot levee section gave way west of Stockton, flooding crops and more than a dozen homes, and challenging state officials to protect the state's water supply. What is the risk of that happening again somewhere in the Delta? In light of agricultural fields sinking, the sea level rising, more frequent and severe floods occurring, and earthquakes looming, improvements are estimated to cost $3.8 - $4.3 billion over the next few decades.
This study combines 3-D representations with information on the levee’s structure to analyze how different levees respond to floods, sea level rise, and earthquakes. State officials released the last Delta Risk Management Strategy a decade ago. Since then, scientists have collected significant amounts of data and have developed new procedures to compute the risk of failure. This work will produce new Delta-wide data sets important for characterizing the hazards coming from floods and earthquakes. It will also develop the best method to conduct levee hazard assessments. Applying this new method will ensure wise investments and effective threat mitigation Delta-wide.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Sandra Bachand, Bachand and Associates
Steve Deverel, Hydrofocus, Inc
Stephen Andrews, RMA Inc.
Peter Nico, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Philip Bachand, Bachand and Associates
Baptiste Dafflon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Erika Gasperikova, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jonathan Stewart, University of California, Los Angeles
Sebastian Uhlemann, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Craig Ulrich, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Paolo Zimmaro, University of California, Los Angeles
Susanne Brander, Oregon State University
Pyrethroids are a type of insecticide frequently detected in the San Francisco Bay and Delta (SFBD). They are highly toxic to fishes and may contribute to their decline. The Central Valley Water Resources Control Board has adopted regulations for many pyrethroids. These concentration goals for Delta surface waters are quite stringent. However, they do not take into account non-lethal effects in fishes, particularly during the early life stages and at the salinity conditions we see in the SFBD. Understanding non-lethal effects in fish is vital to influencing population health.
This study investigates pyrethroid toxicity on Delta smelt and Inland Silverside embryos, while accounting for changing SFBD salinity and other factors such as sediment. Results will inform the development of pesticide regulation criteria and control efforts, furthering the protection of SFBD fishes.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Michelle Hladik, U.S. Geological Survey
Richard Connon, University of California, Davis
This project is partially funded by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Joseph Dietrich, NOAA Fisheries
The decline of native salmon species has resulted in their protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act and the California Endangered Species Act. Disease and predation are primary drivers of mortality as salmon migrate. Multiple stressors, such as exposure to contaminants and elevated temperature, can impact rates of disease and predation of salmon as they migrate to the ocean.
This study examines how contaminant exposures at different temperatures affects salmon health. Specifically, the study investigates the sensitivity of salmon to a contaminant mixture of bifenthrin (a pyrethoid pesticide) and triclosan (an antibacterial added to personal care products). Both contaminants can alter fish swimming behavior and critical physiological functions. Similarly, temperature stress can impact fish physiology and behavior, as well as exacerbate the adverse effects of contaminants.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Mary Arkoosh, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Andrew Hein, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Mary Beth Rew Hicks, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Benjamin Martin, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Brian Wells, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Wim Kimmerer, San Francisco State University
Much research in the Delta has focused on foodweb dynamics, stimulated by evidence that low productivity of plankton is linked to declines in several fish species including the endangered delta smelt. Pseudodiaptomus forbesi is the most abundant copepod (small crustaceans) in the Delta in summer. It is an important food source for many fishes and makes up about half of the food of delta smelt.
This study focuses on the feeding, reproduction, and growth of copepods as essential foodweb support for fishes. This work investigates four diverse habitats including two open-water channels and two shallow habitats. The researchers will measure copepods´ feeding rates on microscopic plants and animals, and relate feeding to their rates of growth and reproduction. Computer models will be used to estimate their movement and death rates. These results will show the sources of nutrition used for growth and reproduction of these key organisms. Results will inform how food webs respond to large scale changes in the Delta ecosystem, for example, restoration and the Sacramento wastewater treatment plant upgrade.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Stephen Andrews, RMA, Inc.
Ed Gross, RMA, Inc.
Michelle Jungbluth, San Francisco State University
Benjamin Saenz, RMA, Inc.
Tamara Kraus, U.S. Geological Survey; Tomofuri Kurobe, University of California, Davis; David Senn, San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center
Nutrients in sediment play a large role in influencing food webs, harmful algal blooms, aquatic vegetation, and drinking water quality. This study will investigate the amount, types, and dynamics of nutrients in Delta sediments. It will also examine sediment microbial communities that mediate these processes.
Results of this study will help determine how the planned reduction in nutrient inputs to the Delta will effect sediment nutrients and microbial communities following the upgrade of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District’s wastewater treatment plant. Data will also inform how wetland restoration and invasive aquatic vegetation influence sediment nutrients and microbial communities. These data will contribute to improving computer models that inform large-scale nutrient management actions.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Tomofuri Kurobe, University of California Davis
David Senn, San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center
Brian Bergamaschi, U.S. Geological Survey
Bryan Downing, U.S. Geological Survey
John Warden, U.S. Geological Survey
Michael MacWilliams, Anchor QEA via State Water Contractors
This study combines detailed model predictions with salmonid tracking data to inform how river flows affect steelhead movement through the Delta. This project leverages an existing 6-year data set to support analysis of salmonid behavioral responses across a broad range of water years. The study will evaluate behavior relative to flow under existing regulatory requirements (Old and Middle River Flow and the Inflow to Export ratio), evaluate five new potential water management metrics identified by the Collaborative Adaptive Management Team Salmonid Scoping Team, and improve the understanding of what conditions affect survival.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Noah Adams, U.S. Geological Survey
Elizabeth Appy, Anchor QEA
Aaron J. Bever, Anchor QEA
John Ferguson, Anchor QEA
Sydney Gonsalves, Anchor QEA
John Plumb, U.S. Geological Survey
Carolyn Roper, Anchor QEA
This project is funded by the U.S Bureau of Reclamation.
Virginia Matzek, Santa Clara University
Ecological restoration in the Bay-Delta watershed provides increased access to hunting opportunities for recreational hunters in the region in addition to benefitting native flora and fauna. While increased hunting is not always considered an economic benefit, it is a dividend from investments in habitat restoration. This research will quantify in dollars the economic impact of restoring sites and opening them for hunting. The study will survey members of the public at restored sites in the Bay-Delta and Sacramento River regions that have resulted in new and/or improved hunting access. In addition to the economic analysis, the survey will shed light on two other issues: 1) whether there is a tradeoff among recreational usage, carbon storage, and habitat quality for restored sites, and 2) whether current users perceive an unmet need for recreational access in the region. These analyses will be useful in explaining multi-benefit restoration projects to stakeholders and policymakers, and informative to future decision-making.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Mariah Meek, Michigan State University
This study will improve our ability to protect the diversity of traits in Chinook salmon. The diversity of Chinook salmon migration timing is decreasing in the Central Valley. A key roadblock to protecting diversity is the current inability to rapidly and inexpensively identify large numbers of individuals from different populations during their migration to the ocean.
This study addresses this information gap by leveraging pre-existing genomic data to develop a new technique that will allow scientists to identify individuals to life history type and location. For example, this study will potentially be able to identify Fall Run Chinook that are from the Sacramento versus the San Joaquin River basins. This information, in combination with data on water temperature and river flows, can determine the relationship between environmental conditions and juvenile salmon life history diversity. The information generated by this work will provide managers with the ability to accurately monitor the effect of key management actions on the different Central Valley Chinook salmon populations.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Melinda Baerwald, CA Department of Water Resources
Pascale Goertler, CA Department of Water Resources
Peter Dudley, University of California, Santa Cruz
Green sturgeon is a listed species under the federal Endangered Species Act. This project supports the recovery and management of the southern distinct population segment of green sturgeon by improving population and migration monitoring. Improved monitoring is recommended in multiple initiatives to help protect this species, such as the Green Sturgeon Recovery Plan. There is some uncertainty on whether the most appropriate green sturgeon monitoring techniques are being used.
This project compares the different estimation and monitoring techniques to identify the superior protocol. To compare the effectiveness of different techniques, scientists will monitor green sturgeon in the Sacramento River using sonar technology. Monitoring data will be used to estimate the population size and death rates due to by-catch. This project will also review and synthesize past acoustic telemetry data to determine if the data can be modeled to improve population size estimates.
Additional project details will be available soon.
This project is funded by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Peggy O’Day, University of California, Merced
Mercury, salinity, and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are major contaminants of concern and are an understudied source of water quality impairment to the Delta. This study will (1) examine seasonal variation and transfer of salt, nutrients, and mercury out of managed wetlands; (2) establish and verify whether other routinely monitored water components can serve as reliable alternatives (proxies) for detecting mercury and nutrients; (3) integrate monitoring data and proxy relationships to estimate levels of contaminants; and (4) develop science-based strategies for adaptive co-management of salt, nutrients, and mercury from seasonal wetlands to improve water quality in the Delta.
Outcomes from this study will provide improved best practices and guidelines for management of salt, nutrients, and mercury in wetlands. Results will also address key knowledge gaps identified in the Delta Nutrient Research Plan and provide support for the Delta Mercury Control Plan.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Nigel Quinn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/University of California Merced
Marc Beutel, University of California Merced
Stephen Hart, University of California Merced
Peter Nico, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Liying Zhao, University of California Merced
Stefanie Helmrich, University of California Merced
Patty Oikawa, California State University East Bay
Tidal marshes are important ecosystems in the San Francisco-Bay Delta. They remove carbon from the atmosphere, build up soils that buffer our communities from sea level rise, mitigate excessive nutrients (like nitrogen), and provide critical habitat and food resources for a diversity of species. It is difficult to predict how tidal marshes change naturally over time versus as a response to climate change, restoration and water quality changes. This project provides the first ever multi-year dataset of the complete carbon budget of a tidal marsh. This dataset will be used to predict seasonal and annual carbon budgets in tidal marshes over a range of salinities. The model will assess the sustainability of existing and potential restored tidal wetland benefits over the next 100 years using remote sensing data. The model will be an open-source tool designed for use by wetland managers and decision makers in the Bay-Delta region. This project supports ongoing initiatives to restore tidal wetlands in the Delta and our ability to manage them in a changing world.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Sara Knox, University of British Colombia
Lisamarie Windham-Myers, U.S. Geological Survey
Iryna Dronova, University of California, Berkeley
Brian Bergamaschi, U.S. Geological Survey
Frank Anderson, U.S. Geological Survey
Russel Perry, U.S. Geological Survey
The purpose of this project is to quantify how tides in the Delta influence survival of juvenile salmon. Juvenile salmon survival increases when there is more flow and the river is less tidally influenced. We hypothesize that the increase in survival is because of reduced travel times causing less exposure to predators. This project will test this hypothesis using multiple models including ones that can predict how management actions that modify tidal patterns affect juvenile salmon survival.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Jon Burau, U.S. Geological Survey
Adam Pope, U.S. Geological Survey
Dalton Hance, U.S. Geological Survey
Paul Stumpner, U.S. Geological Survey
Aaron Blake, U.S. Geological Survey
Christina Pondell, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Recent management strategies in the Delta rely on habitat restoration and water quality improvement to restore ecosystem function. However, current monitoring programs have been limited in their ability to measure ecosystem functions such as food webs. This study explores changes to the sources, quantity, and quality of organic carbon that support the Delta food web. Data from fifteen sites selected to represent the dominant sub-habitats in the Delta will identify the available food resources. The project examines how food resources are affected by wastewater treatment and habitat restoration. Information about organic carbon in the historic and current Delta will aid in establishing realistic goals and targets for ongoing and future restoration efforts in the Delta.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Andrew Rypel, University of California, Davis
Salmon and other native California fishes are in decline and increasingly targeted for enhanced conservation. Acoustic telemetry technologies have emerged, allowing researchers to track fish routes through the Central Valley. Yet while the use of acoustic telemetry has widened, little synthesis has occurred on the large, growing, and expensive datasets that already exist. This project performs a synthesis of existing acoustic telemetry data and explores new frameworks to make sense of it. The project includes a Technical Advisory Group, composed of members of multiple conservation teams. The group will inform each step of study, strengthen syntheses, and enable rapid communication of results to decision makers. In total, the project analyzes 10 to 15 high-quality telemetry datasets encompassing a range of native fishes and life stages. This synthesis will yield major insights into water management practices that could help improve survival of native fish.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Dan Reuman, University of Kansas
This project is funded by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Susan Ustin, University of California, Davis
Invasive aquatic vegetation (IAV) acts as an ecosystem engineer by changing habitat conditions and water quality. This negatively affects the survival of native species. Over the past 15 years, IAV has more than doubled its footprint in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta waterways. The State of California spends millions of dollars each year to control IAV in the Delta-Suisun region and costs are likely to continue to rise. Gaining a better understanding of the spread, life history characteristics, and potential vulnerabilities of these species can lead to more effective control strategies.
The recent launch of the Sentinel-2 satellite can fill temporal gaps left by annual airborne surveys. This study will create a data pipeline for sustained, low-cost satellite-based monitoring of aquatic and marsh vegetation year-round. To quantify one of the Delta Plan performance measures, the time and degree of floodplain inundation for the Yolo Bypass will be measured. This study will result in new metrics to measure progress toward habitat goals in several restoration sites.
Additional project details will be available soon.
Shruti Khanna, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
Erin Hestir, University of California Merced
Christiana Ade, University of California Merced
Mui Lay, University of California Davis
The 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2010 proposal solicitations resulted in combined funding of 48 proposals for a total of over $27 million. In 2010, 13 research projects were awarded through a proposal solicitation and resulted in more than 70 peer-reviewed papers and have informed how the Delta is managed. To learn more about these solicitations, email