About the Delta Independent Science Board

The Delta Independent Science Board (Delta ISB) is a standing board of nationally or internationally prominent scientists with appropriate expertise to evaluate the broad range of scientific programs that support adaptive management of the Delta. The Delta ISB will provide oversight of the scientific research, monitoring, and assessment programs that support adaptive management of the Delta through periodic reviews of each of those programs. The comments, findings, and recommendations from the Delta ISB are expected to increase scientific credibility, improve research clarity, advance the debate about Delta issues, and seek better connectivity between science, management, and policy.

Over the years, the Delta ISB has produced a number of influential reports on various topics, such as on restoration, water quality, and levee hazards, and has provided valuable input on critical science documents to inform decision-making. Findings and recommendations from the Delta ISB reports have helped inform the development and the implementation of the Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Plan to achieve the coequal goals. Many of the recommendations from the Delta ISB are also used to inform the development of science actions to fill critical science gaps through the Science Action Agenda, and to better coordinate and communicate science through the Delta Science Plan.

Members | Operating Guidelines | 2024 Draft Annual Workplan


The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act of 2009 (Delta Reform Act) established the Delta ISB, whose members are to be appointed by the Delta Stewardship Council, which was also created by the Delta Reform Act as an independent agency of the State of California. The Delta ISB replaces the previous CALFED Independent Science Board.

The Council developed and approved a charge to the Delta ISB on August 26, 2010, and the Delta ISB had its first meeting in September 2010. Although the Council appoints individuals to the Delta ISB, and provides funding and staff services to the Delta ISB, the Delta ISB is an independent body and will exercise its independent judgment.